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Perspektief | Perspective Week 3|2019

18 Jan 2019


Grain SA's regional meetings commenced this week and was well attended by our members. The meetings focus fall on Grain SA's strategic direction in 2019, the basic land reform situation, agricultural development, profitability, the current market situation, plantings, scenarios in terms of yield given weather conditions and the state of levies. Don't miss out on your region's meeting.

The remainder of the meeting dates are as follows:

Click on the image above for a complete update


Book your seat for the 2019 Conservation Agriculture Conference in Reitz, which takes place from 11-12 March or in Ottosdal, which takes place from 13-14 March.

Themed "Hope for Agriculture - Let Nature Make you Money", this conference promises to bring hope to thousands of farmers who are trapped in a relentless cost squeeze.

Conservation agriculture is a farmer's cost-effective weapon against rising input costs and climate change, by making natural processes function optimally again. Landbouweekblad - together with Riemland study group and Grain SA - brings together world-renowned speakers, experts and some of the best South African farmers (who paid their school fees) for a South African conference on conservation agriculture.

Copy by ©landbou.com via Netwerk24

​​​​​​Click on each respective photo to book a space or download the latest programmes


Remember that members will only be able to access their 2019 NAMPO tickets directly from their Grain SA digital membership cards. Your membership card will utilise smart technology and afford us the opportunity to communicate smarter, directly and more cost-effective.

If you have not downloaded your membership card yet, do so without delay from your APP Store.


Use your cellphone number to access your Grain SA Digital membership card,
search for the JOYN APP on Google Play Store or on the Apple App Store

To download a copy of the User Journey, with all the information and features

For any queries and/or assistance, contact Elray at Grain SA on 08600 GRAIN (47246) or e-mail members@grainsa.co.za