June 2019
Magda du Toit, Corporate Engagement and Communications Manager SA, Bayer. Send an email to magda.dutoit@bayer.com |
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Bayer crop science is committed to the development of a wide range of integrated products to support commercial and smallholder farmers alike. Our research focuses on the improvement of farm productivity and our products and services are aimed at improving the health of plants, animals and people as well as our environment. As a company we try to add value through sustainable innovative practices, ideas and products.
‘Because plant biotechnology, genetics and breeding, as well as our crop protection solutions play an important role in the improvement of productivity and profitability on the farm, we focus on all these aspects in our research’, says Magda du Toit.
The DEKALB seed product range offers excellent agronomic traits to farmers, but also supports our plant protection solutions which ultimately add to improved yield potential. Farmers can select from the DEKALB product range and compile a complete package to address their needs to minimise risk.
Irrigation market
In the irrigation market, we offer short growth season hybrids such as DKC60-76BR, DKC60-74R and DKC60-70. These hybrids are specifically adapted for planting under irrigation after wheat.
DKC60-76BR has an excellent yield potential with a good seedling vigour that grows very well. It also dries off quickly and has excellent tolerance against Diplodia, northern leaf blight and grey leave spot and rust. The ideal plant density is between 80 000 and 100 000 plants/ha with row widths of 50 cm to 75 cm. At maturity the plant height will be approximately 215 cm to 250 cm with the ears at 100 cm to 120 cm. We advise that this hybrid be harvested at 12% moisture. DKC60-74R and DKC60-70 are two similar products in the same family.
Dry land hybrids
Regarding our dry land hybrids, we are very proud to have DKC72-76BR, DKC72-72B, DKC72-74R, DKC72-70, DKC76-77BR, DKC76-73R and DKC76-71 in our product range.
DKC72-76BR is known for its prolificacy and this trait contributes hugely to the excellent yield potential of the hybrid in both the eastern and western maize production areas. It has a very quick dry off period and good standability. We advise that the hybrid is planted to a population of between 20 000 to 60 000 plants/ha in row widths of 0,75 m to 2,3 m dependent on the production area. The plant height is between 280 cm to 380 cm and ears will be placed at about 110 cm to 170 cm. DKC72-72B is a very similar hybrid but contains only the YieldGard® Maize 2 trait technology for control of corn borers and fall army worm. DKC72-74R contains the Roundup Ready® Maize 2 trait technology to assist with broad control of weeds. DKC72-74R can also be used to plant the refuge area for DKC72-76BR. DKC72-70 is also available and can be planted as a refuge for DKC72-77B.
DKC76-73R is also a prolific hybrid that contains the Roundup Ready technology and is also suitable for planting in both the eastern and western maize production areas. The hybrid has a very good standability and the ears are nicely protected by the husks. DKC76-73R shows good tolerance against all maize diseases and can be used in the planting of refuge areas. We would advise that the hybrid be planted to a density of between 20 000 to 60 000 plants/ha in row widths of 0,75 m to 2,3 m depending on the area in which you are situated. This is a medium growth length hybrid with a plant height of about 220 cm to 320 cm and the ears will be at a height of approximately 95 cm to 150 cm.
DKC76-77BR is a stack hybrid that contains both the Roundup Ready and YieldGard and will give good yields in both the eastern and western maize production areas. It shows good tolerance against most of the maize diseases and can be planted at 20 000 to 60 000 plants/ha in row widths of 0,75 cm to 2,3 m. The plant height is 220 cm to 320 cm with cobs at 95 cm to 150 cm. Another product in this product family is the conventional hybrid DKC76-71.
Publication: June 2019
Section: Pula/Imvula