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Marketing division/Afdeling Bemarking

December 2014


Public Relations

During the year under review, Grain SA’s public relations strategy focused strongly on networking and awareness activities. In furtherance of the strategic plan to approach communication activities proactively, various initiatives were implemented in order to encourage and promote collaboration and a culture of information sharing among members internally and to create a better understanding of the organisation and to facilitate discussion between agricultural role-players and stakeholders, externally.


  • To publicly position Grain SA’s value-adding role in serving the grain producer through an integrated communication and media strategy.
  • To engage with role-players, policy makers and business executives to promote grain producers’ role in ensuring sustainable food security.
  • To provide Grain SA members with relevant and timely information to assist them in decision making.
  • To continuously engage with our members to ensure that they are well-informed about the activities of Grain SA.

Our achievements

  • Enhanced relationships with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and other relevant government departments, entities and partner organisations further.
  • Successfully engaged with the Ministry as well as local, provincial and national Departments of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and highlighted the role grain producers play to ensure sustainable food production and ultimate food security for the country.
  • Continued to successfully utilise and grow social media platforms to inform members and the public about Grain SA’s activities and the importance of agriculture.
  • Continued to influence the media to ensure that the message of the importance of agriculture reaches the public who enjoy food security in our country.
  • Inaugurated the new Grain SA Member’s Hall at NAMPO, offering members a superb experience and the opportunity to enjoy what the NAMPO Harvest Day has to offer.



Openbare Betrekkinge

Tydens die verslagjaar het Graan SA se openbarebetrekkinge-strategie sterk op netwerke en bewustheidsaktiwiteite gefokus. Ten einde die strategiese plan te bevorder om kommunikasie-aktiwiteite proaktief te benader, is verskeie inisiatiewe geïmplementeer om samewerking en ’n kultuur om inligting intern te deel onder lede aan te moedig en te bevorder, sowel as om ekstern ’n beter begrip van die organisasie te skep en gesprekke tussen landbourolspelers en belanghebbendes te fasiliteer.


  • Om Graan SA se waardetoevoegingsrol in die bediening van die graanprodusent deur ’n geïntegreerde kommunikasie- en mediastrategie in die openbaar te posisioneer.
  • Om by rolspelers, beleidmakers en bedryfsleiers betrokke te raak om graanprodusente se rol in die versekering van volhoubare voedselsekerheid te bevorder.
  • Om aan Graan SA se lede relevante en tydige inligting te verskaf om hulle met besluitneming te help.
  • Om deurlopend by ons lede betrokke te wees om te verseker dat hulle goed ingelig is oor Graan SA se aktiwiteite.

Ons prestasies>

  • Versterk betrekkinge met die Ministerie van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye en ander relevante staatsdepartemente, entiteite en vennootorganisasies verder.
  • Slaag daarin om by die ministerie sowel as plaaslike, provinsiale en nasionale departemente van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye betrokke te raak en die rol te beklemtoon wat graanprodusente speel om volhoubare voedselproduksie en uiteindelik voedselsekerheid vir die land te verseker.
  • Gaan voort om sosiale media-platforms met sukses te benut en te laat groei om lede en die publiek oor Graan SA se aktiwiteite en die belangrikheid van landbou in te lig.
  • Gaan voort om die media te beïnvloed om te verseker dat die boodskap oor die belangrikheid van landbou die publiek, wat voedselsekerheid in ons land geniet, bereik.
  • Onthul die nuwe Graan SA-ledelokaal by NAMPO, wat benewens ’n uitstekende ervaring, lede die geleentheid gee om te geniet wat die NAMPO Oesdag bied.



  • Became more active on social media, especially Twitter and Facebook and increased our followers substantially;
  • endeavoured to disseminate information in a format that is easier for the public to understand;
  • participated in many farmer days and exhibitions during the year;
  • continued with the RSG Landbou radio programme until completion;
  • participated in Nation in Conversation, the highly successful actuality discussion forum broadcasted during the NAMPO Harvest Day and afterwards on kykNET, ensuring that the public is well-informed about key issues facing agriculture;
  • organised the inauguration of a third regional office in Maclear, Eastern Cape, by the newly appointed Minister Senzeni Zokwana; and
  • hosted two very successful and well-received awards functions namely, the Day of Celebration and the Grain Producer of the Year.

The good

  • We need to work more closely with policy makers, government departments and other agricultural partners to further improve the awareness, understanding and value of Grain SA.
  • Grain SA’s primary message through all of its activities reiterates its focus on establishing profitable and sustainable grain production in South Africa that can ensure food security for our children.

How do we communicate?

Member communication is facilitated through various channels which include a biweekly newsletter, ad hoc electronic messages, newsflashes and utilising social media networks.

Grain SA Newsletter
The Grain SA Perspective is distributed biweekly to mainly members and some stakeholders via email. It aims to share information, events and important dates with members and further provide a platform to communicate industry news timeously.

Grain SA Newsflash
The Grain SA Newsflash is utilised to distribute important and relevant information dependent on urgency, to members. In addition, it is also used as a channel to timeously distirubte agricultural production conditions.

Grain SA publishes the SA Graan/Grain, a specialist monthly publication and the official mouthpiece of the organisation. It is regarded as one of the leading agricultural publications and used by readers as a knowledge partner and benchmark tool for sustainability in the grain and oilseeds industry. In addition, Grain SA also produces the Harvest SA in partnership with Cape Media. A bimonthly publication, aimed at government representatives and public entities, providing Grain SA with a mouthpiece to address topics centred around food security, land tenure and emerging grain producers, among others.



  • Het meer aktief geraak op sosiale media, veral Twitter en Facebook, en ons getal volgelinge aansienlik verhoog;
  • het gepoog om inligting te versprei in ’n formaat wat vir die publiek makliker is om te verstaan;
  • het gedurende die jaar aan talle produsentedae en -uitstallings deelgeneem;
  • het met die RSG Landbou-radioprogram voortgegaan totdat dit afgehandel was;
  • het deelgeneem aan Nasie in Gesprek, die uiters geslaagde aktualiteitsgespreksprogram wat tydens die NAMPO Oesdag en daarna op kykNET uitgesaai is en so verseker dat die publiek goed ingelig is oor die sleutelkwessies waarvoor landbou te staan kom;
  • het die inhuldiging van ’n derde streekskantoor in Maclear, Oos-Kaap deur die pas-aangestelde Minister Senzeni Zokwana georganiseer; en
  • het twee baie geslaagde en gewilde toekenningsfunksies, die Dag van Feesvieringe (Day of Celebration) en die Graanprodusent van die Jaar, aangebied.

Die goeie

  • Ons moet nouer saamwerk met beleidmakers, staatsdepartemente en ander landbouvennote om die bewustheid, begrip en waarde van Graan SA verder te verbeter.
  • Graan SA se primêre boodskap deur al sy aktiwiteite beklemtoon sy fokus op die vestiging van winsgewende en volhoubare graanproduksie in Suid-Afrika, wat voedselsekerheid vir ons kinders kan verseker.

Hoe kommunikeer ons?

Ledekommunikasie word deur verskillende kanale gefasiliteer, wat ’n tweeweeklikse nuusbrief, ad hoc elektroniese boodskappe, nuusflitse en die aanwending van sosialemedia-netwerke insluit.

Graan SA Nuusbrief
Die Graan SA Perspektief word tweeweekliks per e-pos aan hoofsaaklik lede en ’n paar belanghebbendes versprei. Die doel is om inligting en gebeure en belangrike datums met lede te deel en ’n verdere platform te verskaf om nuus betyds aan die bedryf te kommunikeer.

Graan SA Nuusflits
Die Graan SA Nuusflits word aangewend om dringende belangrike en relevante inligting aan lede te versprei. Dit kanaliseer verder ook landbouproduksietoestande betyds aan lede.

Graan SA publiseer SA Graan/Grain, ’n spesialis maandelikse publikasie en die amptelike spreekbuis van die organisasie. Dit word as een van die voorste landboupublikasies beskou en lesers gebruik dit as ’n kennisvennoot en maatstaf vir die volhoubaarheid van die graan- en oliesaadbedryf. Graan SA publiseer ook Harvest SA in vennootskap met Cape Media. Dit is ’n tweemaandelikse publikasie wat op regeringsverteenwoordigers en openbare entiteite gemik is, en verskaf aan Graan SA ’n spreekbuis om onder andere onderwerpe met betrekking tot voedselsekerheid, grondbesit en opkomende graanprodusente te hanteer.


What do we do in the media?

Media liaison
Grain SA uses various media channels to convey messages regarding the importance of food security and sustainable grain production to the general public. Press releases issued are fully utilised by print, broadcast and electronic media houses and the sentiment remained positive throughout the reporting period (see Figure 1). Throughout the reporting period, Grain SA’s potential viewership accumulated to a combined 6,79 million over 12 months with the majority of coverage generated from Grain SA executives quoted in the media (see Figure 2).


Wat doen ons in die media?

Graan SA gebruik verskeie media-kanale om boodskappe oor die belangrikheid van voedselsekerheid en volhoubare graanproduksie aan die algemene publiek oor te dra. Persvrystellings wat uitgereik word, word ten volle deur druk-, uitsaai- en elektroniesemedia-huise benut en die sentiment het regdeur die verslagtydperk positief gebly (sien Figuur 1). Graan SA se potensiële kykers het in die loop van die verslagtydperk van 12 maande tot ’n gekombineerde 6,79 miljoen toegeneem, met die meeste van die dekking wat gegenereer is deur Graan SA se uitvoerende amptenare wat in die media aangehaal is (sien Figuur 2).


In comparison to other mainstream agricultural conversation trends, Grain SA performed exceptionally well on a month-to-month basis (Figure 3).


Vergeleke met ander hoofstroom-landbougesprekstendense het Graan SA op ’n maand-tot-maand basis buitengewoon goed presteer (Figuur 3).


Interesingly enough, Grain SA’s publication word cloud (Figure 4) in the local press contains both Afrikaans and English keywords – a good indication that our endeavours to promote the organisation to other non-traditional target audiences through English media channels, are succeeding.


In die plaaslike pers bevat Graan SA se publikasiewoordwolk (Figuur 4) interessant genoeg Afrikaanse en Engelse sleutelwoorde – ’n goeie aanduiding dat ons pogings om die organisasie deur Engelse media-kanale aan ander nie-tradisionele teikengehore te bemark, besig is om te slaag.


Public affairs
In our endevours to expand and promote the image of agriculture, liaison with our ministry remains a top priority. Since the reshuffling of the cabinet earlier this year, we are happy to report that the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has been a keen champion of Grain SA’s initiatives and attended both the Maclear office inauguration and the Grain Producer of the Year awards. This, coupled with cooperation between the CEO’s office and the ministry, provides Grain SA with ample opportunity to further promote the interest of our grain producers and the image of the agriculutural sector.

Social media
Grain SA continued to develop its social media communication capability. The social media strategy describes how Grain SA should communicate online, to whom and when. The use of social media for an organisation builds communities for increased loyalty and communication between members, with various studies indicating that social media is the most popular activity online.

Our social media objectives:

  • Information transfer – engage with members in a direct, personal manner to share news and market information.
  • Community building and engagement – establish networks without barriers and constraints.
  • Brand awareness and reputation management – monitor forums and conversations and measure content exposure.
  • Education – educating the general public on Grain SA’s service offerings, mission, vision, values and principles.
  • Search engine optimisation – building a far-reaching online presence by simplifying content sharing between our target audience and their networks.

We have increased our activity on Twitter to offer more news and had special initiatives to tweet during the 2014 Congress, NAMPO Harvest Day, and the Agri Mega Week. In addition, Twitter is used by the Grain SA economists to successfully distribute the morning and afternoon daily market reports, as well as a weekly fuel report. Since the establishment of the Twitter account in June 2014, the @GrainSA account has grown to 285 followers by the end of December 2014.

The Grain SA Facebook page has increased from 274 followers in January to a total of 1 000 in the second week of December 2014. This platform is more popular and members interact with the organisation and fellow community members on a daily basis. The Grain SA YouTube channel has also been established and all video content is shared with the public.

Broadcast media

The biweekly radio show on RSG continued until May, when the morning agricultural show was discontinued by the broadcaster. Whilst on air, Grain SA participated in a number of interviews, ensuring that producers and the public are kept abreast of the most important news.

Grain SA produced a brand new television advert, aimed at the general public and based on the sentiment that “Farmers feed life!” This advert was aired on kykNET as part of the “Nation in Conversation” series during the month of August 2014. The advert was well-received and was produced in such a manner that the theme can be expanded in future.

Which events did we host?

Grains SA hosted various events and leveraged the opportunity to communicate and network with the media, government representatives, suppliers and the public at large.

NAMPO Harvest Day
This year, Grain SA members were welcomed by the newly unveiled member’s hall. This exclusive facility, set up to improve each member’s NAMPO experience, provided daily access to the live Safex markets in addition to the popular “Nation in Conversation” broadcasts. Members also had the opportunity to rub shoulders with a couple of celebrities, including some of the Cheetah rugby players. These meetings are part of the character of the Harvest Day and suit the convivial atmosphere that is felt by all who attend the Harvest Day.

This year’s Grain SA exhibition’s theme Food Security – feeding the Next Generation focussed on showcasing how the organisation support grain producers to ensure sustainable and profitable operations, whilst contributing to household and food security. The Premier of the Western Cape and Leader of the Democratic Alliance (DA), Ms Helen Zille, visited the Grain SA exhibition and showed considerable interest in its Farmer Development programme. Furthermore, discussions with diplomatic dignitaries and governmental representatives encompassed the concept of growing more food with fewer resources.

Nation in Conversation
In line with Grain SA’s vision, we partnered in the popular “Nation in Conversation” initiative, hosted by Senwes and presented by the economist, Theo Vorster. These daily panel discussions covered topics, which included the producer value chain; the historic lay of the land for agribusinesses; organised agriculture as commercial organisations; and a future-focussed approach to the role of multi-national organisations in the development of the agricultural sector.

Maclear regional office inauguration
A highlight on the Grain SA events calendar during the year was the inauguration of its third regional office in Maclear, Eastern Cape, during August 2014. Attended by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Eastern Cape MEC for Rural Development and Agrarian Reform, and the honourable Mayor as well as a host of other dignitaries, the event was a wonderful networking opportunity for all stakeholders, grain producers and the community at large. Sending a strong message of support to grain producers, the minister in his address ensured all stakeholders that farming has a future and that agriculture will feed the nation.

Day of Celebration and Grain Producer of the Year
Grain SA celebrated the successes of its grain producers during two prestigious celebratory events, held in Bloemfontein and Midrand on 2 October and 17 October 2014 respectively. These events offer Grain SA the opportunity to honour the development, growth and achievements of its emerging and commercial grain producers. The development and accomplishments of emerging grain producers are of utmost importance to the organisation and the Day of Celebration is an opportunity to celebrate farmer development, recognise excellence in the field and above all, acknowledge transformation in grain production.

The 2014 Grain SA/Absa New Era Commercial Farmer of the Year was awarded to Mr Ralph Swart of Swart Boerdery situated in Elim, Western Cape. Swart, the first ever finalist and subsequent winner from the Western Cape, produces wheat, barley, oats, triticale and rooibos tea and has been farming on his own for the past 33 years and is the third generation farming on the same land. Swart has a passion for agriculture and is a true entrepreneur, always willing to assist smaller producers in his area with equipment and advice. The other finalists in this category were Messrs Pieter Chabalala from Puthaditjhaba, Michael Ramoholi from Theunissen and Job Metswamere from Delareyville.

The 2014 Grain SA/Syngenta Smallholder Farmer of the Year was awarded to Me Lungelwa Kama from Maclear in the Eastern Cape. Kama started farming by buying a small herd of cattle and due to a lack of grazing, the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform made a farm and a few implements available to her – just what she needed to start off on her path towards commercial farming. Kama has since been able to rent an additional 70 ha of good arable land in addition to the 35 ha she received from the department and this year planted 100 ha of maize, with expected yields in some areas exceeding 8 tons/ha.

The other finalists in this category were the Dwaalkraal Co-operative from Sannieshof, Mr Langa Simon Mbele from Bergville and Mr Willem Modukanele from Welkom.

The 2014 Grain SA/Absa Subsistence Farmer of the Year was awarded to Mr Enoch Khumalo from Piet Retief. Khumalo grew up in a rural area and worked on a farm for about 30 years, mainly working with sheep and cattle. In 2009 he joined the Donkerhoek study group when it was formed, whilst also attending various training courses. This year, Khumalo planted 3 ha and although he has access to 6 ha, a lack of funds hindered his plans to plant the entire area. Even so, the planted crop responded well to his management skills, with expectations to harvest in excess of 6 ton/ha.

The other finalists in this category were Mss Gladys Phatheleni Zondo and Thoko Matha Mofokeng, both from Winterton. Commemorating the 15th year of the gala awards, since replacing the previous Maize Man of the Year in 2000, Grain SA celebrated the successes of its commercial grain producers in addition to commending emerging producers for their outstanding achievements during this prestigious gala event.

The 2014 Grain SA/Syngenta Grain Producer of the Year was awarded to Mr Richard Carey Hobson of Nonen Ranch, situated in Setlagole in the North West Province. After completion of his studies, Hobson started farming with his father, Carey, on the farm Papiesvlakte, and following the acquisition of Nonen Ranch in Setlagole in 2002, took full responsibility for the farming operations and its subsequent significant expansion. Under the expert management of Richard, the farming operation forms an integral part of the Botselo Holdings group, comprising 10 450 hectares, spread over the three farms, namely Nonen Ranch, Papiesvlakte and Lawn. Botselo Farming forms part of Botselo Holdings, which includes Botselo Mills, Botselo Grain and Botselo Carriers. In 2006 Richard started with conservation agriculture that led to significant increases in the profitability and sustainability of each of his diversifications.

The other finalists in this category were Mr Trevor Egon Zunckel from Bergville and the Blanckenberg family from Durbanville.

In addition to these awards, Grain SA also honoured the Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) with an Inspiration Award, received by Prof Ferdi Meyer, Director of BFAP, in appreciation of their continuous contributions to the grain industry, excelling to achieve extraordinary results and inspiring the industry to be more competitive in its commitment to excellence.

Grain SA further honoured three of its former management members in recognition for outstanding leadership. Recognition to the previous Chairperson of Grain SA, Mr Neels Ferreira, as the highest honour bestowed by Grain SA, was awarded for his vision and outstanding leadership, locally and internationally, in the interest of all grain and oilseed producers of South Africa. Mr Gert Pretorius (posthumous) was honoured for his leadership in the unification and establishment of Grain SA. His outstanding contribution to the oilseed industry in particular, locally and internationally was recognised. Mr Willie Pretorius received the honour on behalf of his late father. Mr Fanie van Zyl was honoured for his leadership as Member of the Grain SA Executive and as the Chairperson of the Audit Committee, for his ground breaking work in the establishment of best management practices and the development of policies and procedures for Grain SA.

Agri Mega Week 2014
The Grain SA members’ tent at this year’s event once again proved very popular with our members. Over and above the informal networking opportunities, several interactions with key role-players were scheduled and meetings took place with the Farmworkers Forum, collection agents, media representatives and mentors. Grain SA in cooperation with Nedbank, also presented an informative agricultural debate about the future of wheat, barley and canola industries from the buyer’s perspective with a panel consisting of Premier Foods, SAB, SOILL, and headed by Grain SA.

Other events
In addition to these events, Grain SA further participated in the following events and charity drives:

  • The Senwes Young Farmers’ Future Focus Day
  • Maize delivery outreach action, to those affected by the miners’ strike in Rustenburg
  • 67 Minutes for Mandela Day

How do we support our marketing initiatives?

Marketing communication
In support of stakeholder and member engagement interventions, branded material such as memory sticks, key rings, corporate gifts and corporate clothing, etc. were produced and distributed to target audiences. The majority of marketing communication elements are distributed as gifts with selected items used during promotional activities.

What do we do online?

Grain SA continued to utilise its website to effectively communicate electronically with its members, stakeholders and the general public. The website content is updated continuously and articles and press releases on the work Grain SA is doing, including how it collaborates with government, academic and public structures are publicised. The Grain SA website is maintained on a weekly basis with information reviewed regularly in support of communication strategies.

How do we measure ourselves?

Monitoring and evaluation
In order to ensure the continued relevance of work done, the monitoring and evaluation of public relations and marketing communication activities and initiatives are ongoing. Grain SA monitors its media mentions, as well as those of its Members of the Executive on a daily basis, providing the opportunity to respond where necessary – to keep abreast of local and international news.

Commodity levy

Change in levy

Looking back, 2014 was definitely a historical year. During Congress 2014 a proposal was made to increase the voluntary levy and also to introduce a new differentiated levy per crop. This followed after the levy fund had closed negatively for the third consecutive year. Like any organisation, Grain SA experiences inflation-related cost increases. A combination of the reduction in the funding for research and development from certain agricultural trusts and the fact that the levy per ton had remained unchanged at R2 per ton since its inception in 2002 made an increase in the levy unavoidable.

A proposal was made to Congress to increase the levy in October 2014, but Congress decided unanimously that the new levy had to come into effect in March 2014, as record harvests had been anticipated. Consequently the levy fund is restored to a surplus that enables Grain SA to continue with its necessary activities.

Great appreciation is expressed towards members of Grain SA who regularly pay their levies, thus ensuring that organisations like Grain SA can exist to promote and protect producers’ interests.

Membership of Grain SA

The Constitution of Grain SA makes provision for commercial, as well as study group members. In terms of the Constitution, membership for commercial members is subject to the payment of a commodity levy per ton on all grain produced, with a minimum amount of R1 000 plus VAT payable for full membership.

The current levy per ton per crop is as follows:


Openbare betrekkinge
In ons pogings om die beeld van landbou uit te brei en te bevorder, bly skakeling met ons ministerie ’n topprioriteit. Ons is trots om te rapporteer dat die Minister van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye sedert die skommeling van die kabinet vroeër hierdie jaar ’n groot voorstander van Graan SA se inisiatiewe was en die opening van die Maclear-kantoor sowel as die Graanprodusent van die Jaar-toekennings bygewoon het. Dit, tesame met die samewerking tussen die Uitvoerende Hoofbestuurder se kantoor en die ministerie, gee aan Graan SA voldoende geleentheid om die belange van ons graanprodusente en die beeld van die landbousektor verder te bevorder.

Sosiale media
Graan SA het voortgegaan om sy sosiale media-kommunikasievermoë te ontwikkel. Die sosialemedia-strategie beskryf hoe, met wie en wanneer Graan SA aanlyn moet kommunikeer. Die gebruik van sosiale media vir ’n organisasie bou gemeenskappe vir groter lojaliteit en kommunikasie tussen lede, met verskillende studies wat aandui dat sosiale media die gewildste aktiwiteit aanlyn is.

Ons sosialemedia-doelwitte:

  • Inligtingoordrag – raak op ’n direkte, persoonlike manier by lede betrokke om nuus en markinligting te deel.
  • Gemeenskapsbou en -betrokkenheid – vorm netwerke sonder versperrings en beperkings.
  • Handelsmerkbewustheid en reputasiebestuur – moniteer forums en gesprekke en meet inhoudblootstelling.
  • Opvoeding – voed die algemene publiek op oor Graan SA se diensaanbiedings, missie, visie, waardes en beginsels.
  • Soekenjinoptimalisering – bou ’n verreikende aanlyn teenwoordigheid deur die deel van inligting tussen ons teikengehoor en hulle netwerke te vereenvoudig.

Ons het ons aktiwiteit op Twitter vermeerder om meer nuus te verskaf en het spesiale inisiatiewe bekend gestel om tydens die 2014 Kongres, NAMPO Oesdag en die Agri Megaweek te twiet. Graan SA se ekonome gebruik Twitter ook om met sukses soggens en smiddags die daaglikse markverslae en ’n weeklikse brandstofverslag te versprei. Sedert die vestiging van die Twitter-rekening in Junie 2014 het die @GrainSA-rekening tot 285 volgelinge teen einde Desember 2014 gegroei.

Die Graan SA Facebook-blad se volgelinge het vanaf 274 in Januarie tot ’n totaal van 1 000 in die tweede week van Desember 2014 gegroei. Hierdie platform is meer gewild en lede bly op ’n daaglikse basis met die organisasie en medegemeenskapslede in verbinding.
Die Graan SA YouTube-kanaal is ook gevestig en alle video-inhoud word met die publiek gedeel.


Die tweeweeklikse radioprogram op RSG het voortgeduur tot in Mei, toe die uitsaaier die landbouprogram gestaak het. Terwyl dit op die lug was, het Graan SA aan ’n aantal onderhoude deelgeneem en verseker dat produsente en die publiek op hoogte bly van die belangrikste nuus.

Graan SA het ’n splinternuwe televisie-advertensie geproduseer wat op die algemene publiek gemik is en gegrond is op die gedagte “Produsente voed lewe” (“Farmers feed life!”). Hierdie advertensie is in Augustus 2014 as deel van die “Nasie in Gesprek”-reeks op kykNET vertoon. Die advertensie is goed ontvang en so geproduseer dat die tema in die toekoms uitgebrei kan word.

Watter gebeurtenisse het ons aangebied?

Graan SA het verskeie funksies aangebied en die geleentheid benut om met die media, regeringsverteenwoordigers, verskaffers en die algemene publiek te kommunikeer en netwerke te bou.

NAMPO Oesdag
Graan SA-lede is hierdie jaar die nuut-onthulde ledelokaal verwelkom. Hierdie eksklusiewe gerief, wat verskaf is om elke lid se NAMPO-ervaring te verbeter, het daaglikse toegang tot die lewendige Safex-markte gebied asook regstreekse uitsendings van die gewilde “Nasie in Gesprek”. Lede het ook die geleentheid gehad om in die geselskap te verkeer van glanspersoonlikhede, insluitende sommige van die Cheetah-rugbyspelers. Hierdie ontmoetings is deel van die aard van die Oesdag en pas by die gemoedelike atmosfeer wat ervaar word deur almal wat die Oesdag bywoon.

Hierdie jaar het Graan SA se uitstallingstema, Voedselsekerheid – voed die volgende geslag, daarop gefokus om uit te beeld hoe die organisasie graanprodusente ondersteun om volhoubare en winsgewende bedrywighede te verseker en terselfdertyd tot huishoudelike en voedselsekerheid by te dra. Die Premier van die Wes-Kaap en Leier van die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA), me. Helen Zille, het die Graan SA-uitstalling besoek en heelwat belangstelling in die Ontwikkelende Landbou-program getoon. Gesprekke met diplomatieke hooggeplaastes en regeringsverteenwoordigers het verder die konsep ingesluit om meer voedsel met minder hulpbronne te produseer.

Nasie in Gesprek
In ooreenstemming met Graan SA se visie het ons as vennoot betrokke geraak by die “Nasie in Gesprek”-inisiatief, wat deur Senwes geborg en deur die ekonoom Theo Vorster aangebied is. Hierdie daaglikse paneelbesprekings het onderwerpe gedek wat die produsentewaardeketting; die historiese omgewing vir landbou-ondernemings; georganiseerde landbou as kommersiële organisasies; en ’n benadering tot die rol van multinasionale organisasies in die ontwikkeling van die landbousektor in die toekoms ingesluit het.

Inhuldiging van die Maclear-streekskantoor
’n Hoogtepunt op die Graan SA-gebeurteniskalender hierdie jaar was die inhuldiging van die derde streekskantoor in Maclear in die Oos-Kaap in Augustus 2014. Die geleentheid is deur die Minister van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye, die Oos-Kaapse LUR vir Landelike Ontwikkeling en Landbouhervorming, die burgemeester en talle ander hooggeplaastes bygewoon, en was ’n wonderlike netwerkgeleentheid vir alle belanghebbendes, graanprodusente en die gemeenskap self. Met ’n sterk boodskap van steun aan graanprodusente het die minister in sy toespraak alle belanghebbendes verseker dat boerdery ’n toekoms het, en dat landbou die nasie sal voed.

Dag van Feesvieringe en Graanprodusent van die Jaar
Graan SA het die suksesse van sy graanprodusente tydens twee prestigegeleenthede op 2 Oktober en 17 Oktober 2014 in Bloemfontein en Midrand onderskeidelik gevier. Hierdie gebeurtenisse bied aan Graan SA die geleentheid om die ontwikkeling, groei en prestasies van sy opkomende en kommersiële graanprodusente te beloon. Die ontwikkeling en prestasies van opkomende graanprodusente is uiters belangrik vir die organisasie, en die Dag van Feesvieringe is ’n geleentheid om landbou-ontwikkeling te vier, uitnemendheid in die veld te beloon, en bowenal transformasie in graanproduksie te erken.

Die 2014 Graan SA/Absa Nuwe Era Kommersiële Boer van die Jaar-toekenning is gemaak aan mnr Ralph Swart van die Swart Boerdery in Elim, Wes-Kaap. Swart, die eerste finalis en daarna wenner uit die Wes-Kaap ooit, produseer koring, gars, hawer, korog en rooibostee en boer reeds die afgelope 33 jaar op sy eie. Hy is die derde geslag wat op dieselfde grond boer. Swart het ’n passie vir landbou en is ’n ware entrepreneur wat altyd bereid is om kleiner produsente in die omgewing met toerusting en advies by te staan. Die ander finaliste in hierdie kategorie was mnre. Pieter Chabalala van Puthaditjhaba, Michael Ramoholi van Theunissen en Job Metswamere van Delareyville.

Die 2014 Graan SA/Syngenta Kleinboer van die Jaar-toekenning is gemaak aan me Lungelwa Kama van Maclear in die Oos-Kaap. Kama het begin boer deur ’n klein trop beeste te koop. As gevolg van ’n gebrek aan weiding het die Departement van Landelike Ontwikkeling en Grondhervorming ’n plaas en ’n paar implemente tot haar beskikking gestel – net wat sy nodig gehad het om haar op haar pad na kommersiële boerdery te plaas. Sedertdien het Kama daarin geslaag om ’n bykomende 70 ha goeie bewerkbare grond te huur om die 35 ha wat sy van die departement ontvang het, aan te vul. Sy het hierdie jaar 100 ha mielies geplant, met verwagte opbrengste in sommige areas van meer as 8 ton/ha.
Die ander finaliste in hierdie kategorie was die Dwaalkraal Koöperasie van Sannieshof, mnr. Langa Simon Mbele van Bergville en mnr Willem Modukanele van Welkom.

Die 2014 Graan SA/Absa Bestaansboer van die Jaar-toekenning het gegaan aan mnr Enoch Khumalo van Piet Retief. Khumalo het in ’n landelike gebied grootgeword en vir ongeveer 30 jaar lank op ’n plaas gewerk, hoofsaaklik met skape en beeste. In 2009 het hy by die Donkerhoek-studiegroep aangesluit toe dit gestig is, en ook verskeie opleidingskursusse bygewoon. Hierdie jaar het Khumalo 3 ha aangeplant, en hoewel hy toegang tot 6 ha het, het ’n gebrek aan fondse sy planne om die hele gebied aan te plant, in die wiele gery. Die aangeplante gewasse het nietemin goed op sy bestuursvaardighede gereageer, en hy verwag om meer as 6 ton/ha te oes.

Die ander finaliste in hierdie kategorie was mee Gladys Phatheleni Zondo en Thoko Matha Mofokeng, albei van Winterton. Ter viering van die 15de jaar van die galatoekennings sedert dit die vorige Mielieman van die Jaar-toekenning in 2000 vervang het, het Graan SA tydens hierdie prestigegalageleentheid die suksesse van sy kommersiële graanprodusente gevier, en opkomende produsente vir hulle uitstaande prestasies geloof.

Die toekenning 2014 Graan SA/Syngenta Graanprodusent van die Jaar is gemaak aan mnr Richard Carey Hobson van Nonen Ranch, geleë in Setlagole in die Noordwesprovinsie. Na voltooiing van sy studies, het Hobson saam met sy pa, Carey, op die plaas Papiesvlakte begin boer, en na die aankoop van Nonen Ranch in Setlagole in 2002, was Richard ten volle verantwoordelik vir die boederybedrywighede en die daaropvolgende beduidende uitbreidings daarna aanvaar. Onder Richard se kundige bestuur vorm die boerderybedrywighede ’n integrale deel van die Botselo Holdings-groep, wat 10 450 hektaar beslaan en oor drie plase, naamlik Nonen Ranch, Papiesvlakte en Lawn, strek. Botselo Farming vorm deel van Botselo Holdings, wat Botselo Mills, Botselo Grain en Botselo Carriers insluit. Richard het in 2006 met bewaringslandboupraktyke begin, wat tot 'n beduidende toename in die winsgewendheid en volhoubaarheid van elkeen van sy diversifiserings gelei het.

Die ander finaliste in hierdie kategorie was mnr. Trevor Egon Zunckel van Bergville en die Blanckenberg-familie van Durbanville.

Benewens hierdie toekennings het Graan SA ook die Buro vir Voedsel- en Landboubeleid (BFAP) met ’n Inspirasietoekenning vereer. Dit is deur prof Ferdi Meyer, Direkteur van die BFAP, in ontvangs geneem, en toon waardering vir hulle deurlopende bydraes tot die graanbedryf, uitnemendheid in die versekering van buitengewone resultate en inspirasie vir die bedryf om meer mededingend te wees in sy verbintenis tot uitnemendheid.

Graan SA het ook drie van sy  voormalige bestuurslede ter erkenning van sy uitnemende leierskap vereer. Die hoogste eer wat deur Graan SA betoon kan word, is verleen aan die vorige voorsitter van Graan SA, mnr Neels Ferreira, vir sy visie en uitnemende leierskap, plaaslik en internasionaal, in die belang van alle graan- en oliesaadprodusente van Suid-Afrika ontvang het. Mnr Gert Pretorius is postuum vereer vir sy leierskap in die vereniging en vestiging van Graan SA. Sy uitstaande bydrae tot die oliesaadbedryf in die besonder – plaaslik en internasionaal – is erken. Mnr Willie Pretorius het die toekenning namens sy oorlede vader ontvang. Mnr Fanie van Zyl is vereer vir sy leierskap as Graan SA-hoofbestuurslid en, as die Voorsitter van die Ouditkomitee, vir sy pionierswerk in die vestiging van beste bestuurspraktyke en die ontwikkeling van beleide en prosedures vir Graan SA.

Agri Megaweek 2014
Graan SA se tent by hierdie jaar se geleentheid was weer eens baie gewild onder ons lede. Bo en behalwe die informele netwerkgeleenthede, is verskeie interaksies met sleutelrolspelers geskeduleer, en vergaderings met die Plaaswerkersforum, invorderingsagente, mediaverteenwoordigers en mentors het plaasgevind. Graan SA, in samewerking met Nedbank, het ook ’n insiggewende landboudebat oor die toekoms van die koring-, gars- en kanolabedryf vanuit die koper se perspektief aangebied, met ’n paneel bestaande uit Premier Foods, SAB en SOILL, met Graan SA aan die hoof, wat deelgeneem het.

Ander gebeure
Bykomend tot hierdie gebeure het Graan SA ook aan die volgende gebeure en liefdadigheidsgeleenthede deelgeneem:

  • Die Senwes Jongboer Toekomsfokusdag
  • Uitreikingsaksie met mielie-aflewerings aan diegene wat deur die mynwerkerstaking in Rustenburg geraak is
  • 67 Minute vir Mandela Dag

Hoe ondersteun ons ons bemarkingsinisiatiewe?

Ter ondersteuning van belanghebbendes en lede se betrokkenheidsintervensies, is handelsmerkmateriaal soos geheuestafies, sleutelringe, korporatiewe geskenke en korporatiewe kleredrag geproduseer en onder teikengehore uitgedeel. Die meeste van die bemarkingskommunikasie-elemente word as geskenke uitgedeel, met sekere items wat tydens promosie-aktiwiteite gebruik word.

Wat doen ons aanlyn?

Graan SA het voortgegaan om sy webtuiste te gebruik om doeltreffend elektronies met sy lede, belanghebbendes en die algemene publiek te kommunikeer. Die webtuiste se inhoud word deurlopend bygewerk en artikels en persvrystellings oor die werk wat Graan SA doen, insluitende hoe dit met die regering, akademiese en openbare strukture saamwerk, word gepubliseer. Die Graan SA- webtuiste word weekliks bygewerk, met inligting wat gereeld nagegaan word om seker te maak dat dit kommunikasiestrategieë ondersteun.

Hoe meet ons onsself?

Monitering en evaluering
Ten einde te verseker dat die werk wat gedoen word, relevant bly, word openbare betrekkinge en bemarkingskommunikasie-aktiwiteite deurlopend gemoniteer en geëvalueer. Graan SA moniteer sy mediavermelding sowel as dié van die lede van sy Hoofbestuur op ’n daaglikse grondslag, en dit verskaf die geleentheid om te reageer waar nodig en om op hoogte te bly van plaaslike en internasionale nuus.


Verandering in heffing

As ons terugkyk op die 2014-jaar dan is dit verseker ‘n jaar vir die geskiedenisboeke. Tydens Kongres 2014 is voorgestel om die vrywillige heffing te verhoog en ook ‘n nuwe gedifferensieerde heffing per gewas in te stel. Dit volg na die heffingsfonds vir die afgelope drie jaar in ‘n negatief afgesluit het. Soos enige ander organisasie ervaar Graan SA inflasionêre styging in kostes. Saam met die vermindering in die befondsing van navorsing en ontwikkeling vanuit sekere landboutrusts en die feit dat die heffing per ton sedert die instelling daarvan in 2002 onveranderd op R2 per ton gebly het, was ‘n verhoging in die heffing onvermydelik.

‘n Voorstel is aan Kongres gemaak om die heffing in Oktober 2014 te verhoog, maar Kongres het eenstemmig besluit dat die heffing alreeds in Maart 2014 in werking moes tree aangesien rekordoeste aan die kom was. Die resultaat is dat die heffingsfonds weer herstel is ná ‘n surplussituasie wat Graan SA in staat stel om met die nodige werksaamhede voort te gaan.

Groot dank word uitgespreek aan lede van Graan SA wat getrou hul heffings betaal en sodoende verseker dat daar organisasies soos Graan SA kan wees, wat produsente se belange bevorder en beskerm.

Lidmaatskap van Graan SA

Die Grondwet van Graan SA maak voorsiening vir kommersiële lede sowel as studiegroeplede. In terme van die Grondwet is lidmaatskap vir kommersiële lede onderhewig aan die betaling van ‘n bedryfsheffing per ton op alle graan geproduseer, met ‘n minimum bedrag van R1 000 plus BTW betaalbaar vir volwaardige lidmaatskap.

Die huidige heffing per ton per gewas is soos volg:


Collection of levy

Levies are collected in the following ways:

  • By collection agents
    Collection agents are companies to whom grain is delivered. Grain SA concludes contracts with organisations in which they undertake to, in agreement with producers, collect levies at the first point of delivery and to pay over these levies to Grain SA within a stipulated period. The logos of the partners of Grain SA appear below.
  • Direct transfers
    Members can also pay their levies directly to Grain SA by means of a cheque, a bank deposit or an electronic transfer. This payment method is particularly suitable where producers market their grain to parties who do not form part of the Grain SA levy structures.

Invordering van heffing

Heffings word op die volgende wyses ingesamel:

  • Deur vorderingsagente
    Vorderingsagente is maatskappye aan wie graan gelewer word. Graan SA sluit kontrakte met die organisasies waar hulle onderneem om met toestemming van die produsente heffings te verhaal by die eerste punt van lewering en binne ‘n sekere tyd aan Graan SA oor te betaal. Dié vennote van Graan SA, se logo’s verskyn hieronder.
  • Direkte oorbetalings
    Lede kan ook hul heffings direk aan Graan SA oorbetaal by wyse van tjek, deposito of elektroniese oorbetaling. Die metode van betaling is veral gepas waar produsente se graan bemark word aan partye wat nie deel vorm van die heffingstrukture van Graan SA nie.


Employment of levy

The employment of the levy is approved by members only at the annual Congress. Figure 5 indicates how the levy is utilised.

It is clear that almost half (46%) of the levy is spent on research and development by the Industry Services division. The second biggest portion (21%) is used to support the Executive function, and includes the affiliation fees for other institutions, including Agri SA, inter alia.

Currently 2% of the levy collected is paid to the Grain SA branches that support the branch structures, while 12% is used to collect the levy. This includes the 5% commission due to the collection agents.

Image building and marketing are responsible for 17% of the costs. This cost is used to promote the image of agriculture and also to fund the required lobbying activities.

Members can be assured that the levy is used purely for promoting members’ interests, and Grain SA feels strongly that the use of funds should be driven by the members representing the organisation.


Aanwending van heffing

Die aanwending van die heffing word alleenlik deur lede goedgekeur tydens die jaarlikse Kongres. Figuur 5 dui aan hoe die heffing aangewend word.

Dit is duidelik dat byna die helfte (46%) van die heffing spandeer word aan navorsing en otwikkeling deur die afdeling Bedryfsdienste. Die tweede grootste gedeelte (21%) word aangegaan om die Hoofbestuursfunksie te ondersteun asook die affiliasiegelde by ander instansies wat onder andere Agri SA insluit.

Tans word 2% van die heffing wat ingevorder word, uitbetaal aan dié Graan SA-takke wat die takstrukture ondersteun, terwyl 12% aangegaan word om die heffing in te vorder. Dit sluit onder andere die 5% kommissie in, wat die invorderingsagente toe kom.

Beeldbou en bemarking maak in totaal 17% van die koste op. Die koste word aangewend om die beeld van landbou te bevorder en ook die nodige gunswerwingsaksies te bewerkstellig.

Lede kan verseker wees dat die heffing aangewend word suiwer om lede se belange te bevorder en Graan SA voel sterk daaroor dat die aanwending van die fondse gedryf moet word deur die lede wat die organisasie verteenwoordig.


Member statistics

Grain SA

During the 2013/2014 Congress year (March 2013 to February 2014) R11,7 million in levies was collected, which was also the biggest amount ever. The number of commercial members who were paid up until the end of the 2014 Congress year amounted to 2 409, while the total members numbered 5 516 (see Graph 1).



Graan SA

Gedurende die 2013/2014 Kongresjaar (Maart 2013 tot Februarie 2014) is R11,7 miljoen se heffing ingevorder, wat ook die hoogste in die geskiedenis was. Die getal kommersiële lede wat tot die einde van die 2014-Kongresjaar opbetaal was, beloop 2 409, terwyl die totale lede 5 516 beloop het (sien Grafiek 1).


Grain SA’s focus remains to add value to producers’ farming activities. On a macro level Grain SA is actively working to exploit export markets and influence the input and production environment to ensure the sustainability of grain production. One of the biggest challenges for Grain SA is to make some of the benefits producers enjoy available exclusively to fully paid-up members. The future focus lies in negotiating exclusive benefits for members in order to increase the percentage of contributing producers, which will make the South African grain producer’s voice so much stronger.

Grain SA thanks every member for their contribution to an organisation that plays a critical role in the sustainability of grain production in South Africa!

Graan SA se fokus bly steeds om waarde tot produsente se boerdery toe te voeg. Op ‘n makrovlak is Graan SA aktief besig om uitvoermarkte te ontgin en die inset- en produksie-omgewing te beïnvloed om sodoende die volhoubaarheid van graanproduksie te verseker. Een van die grootste uitdagings van Graan SA is om sekere van die voordele wat produsente geniet, eksklusief vir volopbetaalde lede beskikbaar te maak. Die toekomsfokus lê daarin om eksklusiewe voordele vir lede te beding met die doel om die persentasie bydraende produsente te verhoog, wat die graanprodusent van Suid-Afrika se stem net soveel sterker sal maak.

Graan SA bedank elke lid vir sy/haar bydrae tot ‘n organisasie wat ‘n kritiek belangrike rol speel in die volhoubaarheid van graanproduksie in Suid-Afrika!

Publication: December 2014

Section: Marketing
