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A word from … Liana Stroebel

March 2021

It is hard to believe how far the new year has progressed as it feels as if Christmas was only yesterday! It seems as if time has become more liquid than before. The results of yesterday’s plans, actions and decisions come around a lot faster and we can quickly see where mistakes were made or where we did not pay attention to detail.

With that in mind, it is imperative that we truly focus our attention on the end result in absolutely everything that we plan and do today. If you cut one small corner today, it will come back to you quicker than you realise. 

As you know, in farming, we cannot over emphasize the importance of timing. It is vital to have a very clear understanding of how to set realistic timelines for actions. For example, working backwards from your planting date. It is crucial to set very specific dates on when you need to do what – from liming to getting your equipment ready, buying inputs and so forth. 

With experience, you will also learn to make the difficult decisions quicker – for example if you cannot afford all the needed inputs, rather plant less hectares and do your applications properly, as opposed to stretching your inputs. Also, if you are perhaps funded and inputs are late, make the tough call to rather not plant or only plant a smaller area, and save your inputs to catch the right planting window during the next season.

In order to make progress, we need to be aware of our challenges throughout the season. Be honest and hard on yourself. Analyse and note things that you would do differently and use those as a guideline to improve your practices next year. Never make the same mistake twice.

All the best for the rest of the season and stay aware and pro-active!

Publication: March 2021

Section: Pula/Imvula
