SA Graan Oktober 2014 - page 19

October 2014
Right of first refusal
The right of first refusal to the state is accepted (for e.g. in
Namibia), whereby a farm for sale must first be offered to the
state for an agreedperiodof time, and if the statedoes notwant
to purchase the land, it may then be sold on the commercial
Excluded from the right of first refusal by the state, will be land
that is left in aperson’s lastwill and testament tobe inheritedby
their next of kin.
Restitution claims to be part of 20%
If the state proceeds with a policy to identify 20% of farming
land per district for land redistribution purposes, then existing
restitution claims must form part of the 20% for that specific
district, until such time as the claim for restitution has been
General remarks
It is requested that the commercial and developing farming
sectors will speak with one voice when land reform is de-
bated. ASUFmust be used as a vehicle to internally debate the
different options and then to convey one point of view to stake
holders/the state.
It isaccepted thatnotonlyonemodel for land reform isapplicable
toall farming regions inSouthAfrica, as local circumstancesand
the impact of natureplaysan important roleon farmingpractices
applicable for that specific region.
A land audit per provincemust be finalised as soon as possible
to enable all stake holders to determine and manage progress
regarding land reform.
The practice to allocate land to multiple users does not serve
the objective of food security. Only single bona fide producers,
shouldqualify as beneficiaries.
Corrupt practices in the allocationof land, undermines progress
andmust be identified and addressed. Measuresmust be taken
toensure that funds allocated for land reform are solelyused for
that purpose. Partnerships betweengovernment and theprivate
sectorwill limit corrupt practices.
The state should consider activating an Agri Development
Institution to play the same supporting role and function as the
IDC does, to assist and support development in the commerce
Beneficiaries who receive land in terms of the land reform
process, shouldnot be able to sell the land to a thirdparty for an
agreed period of time, to prevent themisuse and/or speculation
with land allocated for land reform.
Compensation paid for land restitution claims should also be
converted to hectares tobe added to land reform targets in that
area/district and thus be taken into account with land audits.
It should be considered that a new institutional capacity is
developed to manage the right to hold and occupy land in the
communal areas, so that the right to occupy and use this land
may alsobe traded toensure that all land inSouthAfrica is used
Sasol Nitrophoto competition
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-webtuistedie LNR-Kulti-
varaanbevelings vir sojabone,
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