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April 2016

Our grain producers did not

just give up during the drought


ne issue that was conspicuous for me during this year’s

Grain SA Congress, was that our grain producers have

definitely not given up during the drought. They discuss

the future, and still dream about the future. This truly en-

couraged me.

The pain of the drought still has to be dealt with, but planning for the

next season must continue. Even after two days of sitting for hours

on end to evaluate mostly difficult scenarios, the new Executive sat

down, considered and dealt with the invidious issue of the repre-

sentation of our new era farmers in the various Grain SA structures.

Well done gentlemen…and lady! Welcome to the second female in

the Executive – Preline Swart. Moreover, she is the first woman on

Grain SA’s Executive Committee and we look forward to her contri-

bution in the time ahead.

It seems like the round tables and voting equipment made a signifi-

cant contribution to Congress. We experienced very good participa-

tion in the discussions and quite quickly conducted surveys to obtain

the opinions of all. It literally hummed.

The Executive Committee and the staff will analyse the results to

guide and lead us into the future. Although the scenarios sketched

by Mr Hamish McBain to the grain producers were somewhat more

negative than positive, they are the facts we have to face. Grain SA

will definitely have to focus to ensure that we can continue to pro-

duce sustainably and that South Africa may continue to enjoy the

privilege of food security.

One of the extremely encouraging observations this past month

was the first Alumni function of about 40 of our young leading grain

producers who have already attended the Grain Academy. Syngenta

organised the function for us and the guys could share their stories

of what have since happened in their lives and farming practices. It

was moving, to say the least.

The guys shared personal matters of how the knowledge gained by

them changed their lives and also the manner in which they deal with

their families and workers on the farm. More than ever before, I am

convinced that this investment can only benefit our grain leadership

in the future. I am looking forward to the participation of these peo-

ple in our Grain SA structures.

This year, I listened carefully to the State of the Nation (SONA) ad-

dress of our President to determine how he perceives the drought.

The disruptive events during this debate left one wondering whether

the leaders of our country still focused on the country and its peo-

ple and not only on their own political careers. I have, however, in

my more than 30 years in the grain industry never heard of a Grain

SONA. Well, that is what Wandile Sihlobo (economist: Grain SA) and

I experienced on 19 February.

We were invited to inform the Agricultural Portfolio Committee of

the status quo of the grain industry in South Africa for three hours,

uninterrupted. The parties that attended this session cooperated and

the questions following our presentation, encouraged me to believe

that our message was taken to heart.

So, we have to sow in the morning – and in the afternoon as well,

because we do not know which seed will deliver the crop. Maybe,

just maybe, the political drought during which we as grain producers

were not heard, has come to an end.



Uit die


ns praat van en oor die weer as iets selfstandig. Ons

verwys ook na die weer as iets onsydig en onpersoonlik.

Ons sê: “Dit reën”, “Dit is warm” of “Die wind waai” en

nog baie ander dinge. As ons egter mooi in die Bybel

gaan lees, dan sien ons dat die Bybel nooit oor die weer

as iets selfstandig of onpersoonlik praat nie. Hy is in

beheer van die ganse skepping en in besonder die weer.

Eseg 32:7: “Ek sal die son met wolke oordek.”

Ps 135:7: “Hy wat die dampe laat opgaan van die einde van die aarde

af, bliksemstrale by die reën maak, die wind uit sy skatkamers laat


Lev 26:4: “...dan sal Ek julle reëns gee op hulle tyd.”

Ons kan baie dinge oor weerpatrone en siklusse en aardverwarming

sê, maar op die ou end moet ons besef dat die Here in beheer is

– ook van die weer. Hy stuur droogtes en reën, rampe en voorspoed,

slegte en goeie tye.

In Ps 65 lees ons dat Dawid drie keer sê dat die verste volke, diegene

wat die Here nie ken nie, hierdie dinge sien en vrees. Hulle het

ontsag vir hierdie God wat sulke dinge kan doen. Hulle besef dat

reën en droogte, storms en windstiltes, rampe en seën deur Iemand

groter as hulle gode beheer word. Hulle weet nie wie Hy is nie,

maar erken tog dat Hy bestaan.

Ons moet ook erken dat die Here hierdie dinge doen. Ons moet

daarby ook erken en glo dat Hy nog meer as net hierdie dinge

doen. Ons moet glo dat Hy sy Seun na hierdie wêreld gestuur het

om ons te verlos uit ons sonde en ellende. Ons moet glo dat Hy ons

deur Christus aangeneem het as sy kinders.

Ons moet glo dat hierdie God die weer op só ‘n wyse beheer dat

ons dit moet raaksien en Hom moet eer en dank. Ons moet glo dat

hierdie God en Vader van Jesus Christus, ons Vader is en ons kán

en wíl versorg met alles wat ons nodig het vir hierdie en die ewige

lewe. Hy wil ook hê dat ons Hom daarvoor moet loof en dank.

Baie geluk aan

W. Klokow van

Clocolan wat vir die

Januarie-uitgawe van

SA Graan/Grain

die gratis

Bybel gewen het.