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July 2015

What has happened to our country?


he other evening I was sitting in the news studio in Preto-

ria waiting for my interview with the news reader in Johan-

nesburg. The main news was about our president’s housing,

the cost thereof and who should be paying for it.

Thereafter the story about the alleged bribe money South

Africa paid to be the host country for the 2010 Soccer World Cup

followed; and the same day the person who chaired the Pilot Com-

mittee is elected as the mayor of the Nelson Mandela Metropole.

Then it was my interview: “Mr De Villiers, today is World Hunger

Day, how is South Africa faring in this regard?” At that moment I

wanted to shout it out that the money just referred to in the news

item could rather have been given to poor people to battle the

famine in our country. What has happened to our country?

The positive, however, is that the number of poor people in our

country are nominally and proportionally declining. South Africa

has already achieved the United Nations’ millennium goal by halv-

ing the number of people living on US$1 per day.

In fact, we have also halved the number of people living on less

than US$1,50 per day within the set time frame. That is actually

good news. One could just imagine what we could have achieved

were there not so much corruption.

This year the grain industry is facing difficult times. The producers

in the north keep tapping the monitors of the combines to check

whether they had not perhaps stopped; while in the south the

producers are watching the weather. With the writing of this article,

the Cape had not yet had rain, so the season there is starting off

dry. The way things are now, the sharp edge of climate change is

upon us. These events force producers to over and over consider

conservation tillage and fallow season systems. Sustainable grain

production indeed has many aspects to take into consideration.

The so called “line in the sand” that Grain SA drew about the min-

ister’s so called land reform plans during the NAMPO Harvest Day,

in fact did draw some fire. Uncle Fanie always said: “If the jackal

howls, the shot was true!” The minister called some of the role-

players together to establish why we have criticised him in public.

The discussion was good and the frankness and honesty of it en-

couraged me to believe that a negotiated settlement might still be

found. However, it remains a difficult issue and there are divergent

goals among the different groups. Standing together, as always, is

our Achilles heel.

Every party plays to a different pavilion. Patience wanes and

levels of frustration run very high. Our faith is also tested and for

me it is a miracle each time discussions of this nature do not leave

the country in chaos.

Finally, on behalf of Grain SA, I wish to congratulate the new team

appointed at Agri SA and to wish them courage. I thought it to be

a very clear message that organised agriculture was bringing in

reinforcements and was not flinching from the current challenges.

Grain SA is looking forward to working together in the search

for new solutions. It was a pleasure to have Omri van Zyl and

Thabi Nkosi as our guests at NAMPO to give them a first class intro-

duction to the grain industry.



Uit die


rood is ons stapelvoedsel. Byna almal van ons eet elke

dag ‘n stukkie brood. Miljoene mense regoor die wêreld

sal nie oorleef as hulle nie elke dag ‘n stukkie brood te ete

kry nie. Bedelaars vra ook gewoonlik vir ‘n stukkie brood.

Brood word in die Bybel as ‘n versamelnaam vir kos ge-

bruik. Brood is ‘n uiters noodsaaklike voedselsoort en ‘n gebrek aan

brood het al tot gevolg gehad dat regerings tot ‘n val gekom het.

In 1 Sam 19 - 23 lees ons dat Dawid vir koning Saul gevlug het.

Hy het van plek tot plek en stad tot stad gevlug. So kom hy en die

manne wat by hom was, by die priesterstad Nob. Daar het ‘n priester

met die naam Ahiméleg gewoon. Dawid het al van te vore na hom

toe gekom sodat hy die Here vir Dawid kon raadpleeg. Nou kom

Dawid egter met ‘n ander versoek na hom toe. Dawid soek brood

vir hom en die manne wat by hom was. Hulle kos was op en hulle

het ook nie wapens gehad nie.

Ahiméleg sê toe vir Dawid dat daar niks anders was as net die

toonbrode nie. Die toonbrode is elke Sabbat in die tabernakel gesit

om die Israeliete daaraan te herinner dat die Here hulle met manna

in die woestyn versorg het. Die dag ná die Sabbat kon die priesters

die toonbrode eet. Hulle was egter alleen daarop geregtig en

niemand anders mag daarvan eet nie. Tog gee Ahiméleg vir Dawid

die toonbrode en hy en sy mense kon eet.

In hierdie geskiedenis sien ons hoe die Here vir Dawid sorg en hoe

Hy Dawid aan die lewe hou. Dawid moes bly lewe sodat Jesus

Christus uit sy nageslag gebore kon word. Dit is hoe die Here dit al

lank tevore belowe het. As Dawid sou sterf, sou die Here Jesus nooit

gebore word nie en sou ons geen Verlosser of Saligmaker gehad

het nie. Die Here het egter vir Dawid op hierdie manier aan die lewe

gehou, sodat ons gered kan word en die ewige lewe kan kry.

Die Here Jesus sê in Joh 6:35 dat Hy die brood van die lewe is, dat

wie in Hom glo, die ewige lewe het. Dawid moes met die toonbrode

aan die lewe gehou word, sodat ons die Brood van die Lewe kan kry.

Elke keer as jy ‘n stukkie brood eet, dink daaraan dat jy ook die

brood van die lewe ontvang het en kan lewe tot in ewigheid. Elke

keer as jy dankie sê vir jou stukkie brood, sê sommer daarmee saam

dankie vir die Brood van die Lewe.

Baie geluk aan

Sanzo Nkosi van

Mbombela wat vir die

April-uitgawe van

SA Graan/Grain

die gratis

Bybel gewen het.