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Financial Services division /Afdeling Finansiële Dienste

December 2015



Grain SA has concluded another financial year with gratitude for good results in all aspects of its activities.

Our investments did not perform at the same level as last year, but the performance was acceptable in the pressured economic conditions. This can mainly be attributed to the fact that we are a moderate portfolio investor.

Grain SA is still under pressure in terms of funding by external trusts, which forces us to focus on other areas of funding.

We end our financial year with a surplus, while our assets also grew positively.



Graan SA het nog ‘n finansiële jaar afgesluit met dankbaarheid vir goeie resultate in alle aspekte van sy werksaamhede.

Ons beleggings het nie op dieselfde vlak presteer as verlede jaar nie, maar die prestasie was aanvaarbaar onder die druk ekonomiese toestande. Dit is meestal toeskryfbaar aan die feit dat ons ‘n gematigde portefeulje-belegger is.

Graan SA ervaar steeds druk in terme van befondsing deur eksterne trusts wat ons laat fokus op ander areas van befondsing.

Ons eindig ons finansiële jaar met ‘n surplus, terwyl ons bates ook positief gegroei het



The surplus reflected in our financial statements can be attributed to cost savings and the contribution from the levy fund, as approved by Congress. Two million rands of the surplus represent a once-off transaction involving the sale of our building in Bothaville.

Grain SA’s growth in asset value is partly due to the investment of the amount received on the sale of the building, as well as the ongoing returns and performance of the investments, which had partially recovered by year-end.

Because of good corporate governance we again received clean reports from PWC on agreed procedures carried out with respect to the Maize Trust and other funding. The recapitalisation projects continued and no irregularities were identified.

The audit report issued by PWC is unqualified and we take pleasure in presenting the financial statements. Click here to view.

We assure our members that we have procedures and measures in place to ensure sustainability – not only for food security, but also with respect to our finances – in order to serve our members and our industry now and in the future.



Die surplus wat op ons finansiële state weerspieël word, is toeskryfbaar aan kostebesparings en die bydrae vanaf die heffingsfonds soos goedgekeur op Kongres. Twee miljoen rand van die surplus word verteenwoordig deur ‘n eenmalige transaksie met die verkoop van ons gebou te Bothaville.

Graan SA se groei in sy batewaarde is deels die bedrag ontvang met die verkoop van die gebou wat belê is, asook die deurlopende opbrengs en prestasie van die beleggings wat op jaareinde gedeeltelik herstel het.

Weens goeie korporatiewe beheer het ons weer eens skoon verslae vanaf PWC ontvang op ooreengekome prosedures uitgevoer op die Mielietrust en ander befondsing. Die herkapitaliseringsprojekte duur voort en geen ongerymdhede is waargeneem nie.

Die ouditverslag, uitgereik deur PWC, is ongekwalifiseerd en ons hou graag die finansiële state voor. Klik hier om te besigtig.

Ons lede kan gerus wees dat ons prosedures en maatreëls in plek het om volhoubaarheid te verseker – nie net vir voedselsekerheid nie, maar ook met ons finansies, om sodoende diensbaar te wees vir ons lede en ons bedryf nou en in die toekoms.

Publication: December 2015

Section: Financial Services
