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Good labour practices and

relationships in the spotlight


t Vastrap Enterprises, a mixed farming business near

Ladybrand in the eastern Free State, it is believed that if

farm workers are treated with respect and feel appreciated,

it will reflect in their work. This is where their success lies:

In happy, loyal and hardworking staff.

Vastrap Enterprises has 18 permanent staff members and a farm

manager, Mr André Scheepers, who has been employed since 2005.

There are eleven workers in the crop team (maize, sunflower and

wheat) and seven workers in livestock (Boran cattle stud, commer-

cial cattle and sheep).

“We believe that our staff is the most important asset of our

farming business and this philosophy underlines our approach

to labour practices. As a starting point, we aim to comply with all

South Africa’s labour legislation. However, simply complying with

the letter of the law doesn’t guarantee a healthy work environment

or a motivated workforce.

“We put a lot of thought and effort into how we can keep staff

morale high. It’s not only the right thing to do, but also makes busi-

ness sense to have happy and loyal staff especially in a farming

community where everyone lives in close proximity to each other.

We care about the details, like making sure that everyone is kitted

out in good quality work gear branded with the Vastrap logo and

having a well-structured bonus scheme that incentivises good

work,” Mr Quentin de Bruyn (owner of Vastrap Enterprises) states.

De Bruyn and his wife, Marisa, engage actively with their staff

through weekly work meetings and occasional social activities. In

order to foster an environment of mutual trust, everyone is treated

with respect and dignity and is recognised as individuals with rights

and responsibilities of their own.

Giving back

The De Bruyns want their staff to be proud of the role they play in

the success of Vastrap Enterprises. The quality of their housing is

an important part of this. In the past two years, all the staff houses

have been upgraded.

“We think it is important to give consideration to their human/

social needs as individuals, not just as employees,” says Marisa.

All houses have access to clean water on tap and electricity. In

addition, a large communal ablution facility has been built, which

includes flush toilets, baths, showers and washing facilities for men

and women.

The building also has a separate playroom for all the pre-school

children living on the farm. As part of their Mandela Day project

last year, donations helped to create a colourful space for the kids

filled with educational toys, books, a TV, DVD player and comfort-

able furniture.

Marisa and Quentin also believe that the spouses are an important

part of the community and in recognition of this; all spouses and

children are given special Christmas gifts each year.

In the next issue you can read more on how they give acknow-

ledgment; and receive a few tips on how to get the best from your



SA Graan/Grain


– Vastrap Enterprises (Part 1)


Share you practices with fellow producers

Grain SA members are welcome to share with their fellow producers their tips and advice for good labour practices and relations on the farm;

or methods that they apply on their farms that work for them. Send an email to

and we will contact you.


March 2015

1: Quentin and Marisa de Bruyn try to do annual team building sessions

to build morale. Some of the highlights have been attending the 2010

World Cup soccer matches in Bloemfontein, a visit to a local game farm,

staff braais and end of season headland (


) parties.

2: The staff interacted with a young lion during their visit to a local

game farm.