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Strategiese beplanning

Graan SA se Dagbestuur het vanjaar tyd ingeruim om die organisasie

se strategiese visie en langtermynstrategie te formuleer. Volhoubare

graan- en oliesadeproduksie vorm steeds die grondslag en kernfokus van

ons strategie. Met dit as riglyn kan medium- en korttermynplanne opgestel

word om ons 2023-doelwitte te bereik.

Die organisasie speel deurlopend ’n beduidende rol op verskillende

vlakke om die produsent se volhoubaarheid te bevorder. Ek wil u

aanmoedig om die verslae van die uitvoerende hoofbestuurder en elke

afdelingshoof wat in hierdie verslag vervat is, deur te werk. Daaruit sal

u agterkom watter reikwydte, diepte en waarde hierdie organisasie vir

ons as graanprodusente bied.

Ek is van mening dat Graan SA in die verslagtydperk sy funksie

as waghond vir die graan- en oliesadebedryf behoorlik verrig het.

Maatreëls is nagekom om die gehalte van insetmiddele te verseker, om

markinligting beskikbaar te stel en te bevorder en om ’n bydrae te lewer

om deursigtigheid in die graanmark te verseker. Graan SA het selfs nie

geskroom om ’n suksesvolle hofaksie teen die Minister van Landbou,

Bosbou en Visserye in te stel, toe rolspelers die aansoek vir die teling-

en tegnologieheffing op sojabone probeer stuit het nie.

Die legitimiteit en volhoubaarheid van die oesskattingsproses moet

ten alle koste beskerm word. In ’n stadium het die betaling van diensver-

skaffers deur ’n staatsinstansie agterweë gebly, maar dit is gelukkig ná

die bemiddeling van die Nasionale Landboubemarkingsraad opgelos.

Graan SA sal voortgaan om ’n wakende oog daaroor te hou dat instru-

mente soos die nasionale oesskatting in stand gehou word. Graan SA

sal ook rolspelers en deelnemers aanmoedig om betrokke te wees om

sodoende te verseker dat die inligting vanuit die Oesskattingskomitee so

akkuraat moontlik is.

Graan SA se prioriteitsfokusareas wat navorsing betref, is gewas-

verbetering, gewasbeskerming, biosekuriteit, klimaatsverandering

en bewaringslandbou. Goeie vordering is gemaak met die vestiging

van verskeie navorsingskonsortiums en die navorsing wat hieruit

voortvloei het al beslag gekry. Erkenning word gegee aan verskeie

rolspelers uit die openbare en privaat sektor vir hul befondsing en

doeltreffende vennootskappe.

Die organisasie bied verskeie platforms om dialoog te bevorder,

koppelvlakke te bewerkstellig en erkenning te gee vir prestasie deur

produsente. Dit was ’n voorreg om ons lede uit die Wes-Kaap te

ontvang by vanjaar se eerste NAMPO Kaap op Bredasdorp. Hierdie

hoeksteen wat gelê is, beloof ’n vennootskap wat ongetwyfeld ’n

jaarlikse instelling gaan word.

Vir ’n vrywillige produsente-organisasie soos Graan SA is dit

noodsaaklik om deurentyd te verseker dat ons bedryfsvoering op op-

timale vlakke is. Goeie vordering is gedurende die oorsigtydperk met

die vaartbelyning van sekere aspekte gemaak. Ons ledelys is met die

ondersteuning van Hoofbestuurslede skoongemaak. ’n Markondersoek

ten opsigte van die organisasie se inligtingstegnologie en telekommu-

nikasie het gelei tot die oorskakeling na nuwe verskaffers. Fase 1 van

die implementering van ’n nuwe geïntegreerde finansiële stelsel is ook

suksesvol afgehandel.

Ons ledebemarkingspan, in samewerking met die werwingsagente,

het die begrote ledeheffing-teikens behaal en oortref. Dit, tesame met

interne besparings en verlaagde spanderings, het meegebring dat ’n

tekortbegroting omgekeer kon word in ’n jaareinde wat teen ’n surplus

afgesluit is. Goeie korporatiewe beheer en nougesette finansiële

kontroles het weer eens gesorg dat Graan SA ongekwalifiseerde

oudits op die organisasie se finansiële state asook dié van die Jobs

Fund-projek ontvang het.

Strategic planning

Grain SA’s Executive Committee made time to formulate the organi-

sation’s strategic vision and long-term strategy this year. Sustainable

grain and oilseeds production still forms the basis and core focus of

our strategy. With this guideline, medium and short-term plans can be

compiled to achieve our goals for 2023.

The organisation continuously plays a significant role at different

levels to promote the sustainability of the producer. I would like to

encourage you to read through the reports from the chief executive

officer and every divisional head contained in this report. From these

you will learn about the scope, depth and value of this organisation to

us as grain producers.

I am of the opinion that Grain SA properly fulfilled its function

as watchdog for the grain and oilseeds industry during the report-

ing period.

Measures have been taken to ensure the quality of inputs,

to make market information available as well as to promote it and to

contribute to ensuring transparency in the grain market. Grain SA even

did not hesitate to bring a successful court action against the Minister of

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries when role-players tried to stop the

application for the breeding and technology levy on soybeans.

The legitimacy and sustainability of the crop estimate process must

be protected at all costs. At one stage the payment of service providers

by a government institution fell behind, but this was fortunately resolved

through the mediation of the National Agricultural Marketing Council.

Grain SA will continue to ensure that instruments like the national crop

estimate are maintained. Grain SA will also encourage role-players

and participants to be involved to ensure that information from the Crop

Estimates Committee is as accurate as possible.

Grain SA’s priority focus areas with respect to research are crop

improvement, crop protection, biosecurity, climate change and conser-

vation agriculture. Good progress was made with the establishment of

several research consortiums, and the research flowing from this has

commenced. Recognition is given to various role-players from the public

and private sector for their funding and effective partnerships.

The organisation offers various platforms to promote dialogue,

establish interfaces and give recognition for achievements by producers.

It was a privilege to receive our members from the Western Cape

at this year’s first NAMPO Cape in Bredasdorp. The cornerstone laid

here promises to provide a partnership that will undoubtedly become

an annual event.

To a voluntary producer organisation like Grain SA is it essential

to ensure at all times that our operations are at optimal levels. Good

progress was made during the review period with the streamlining of

certain aspects. Our membership list was cleaned up with the support

of Executive members. A benchmark of the organisation’s information

technology and telecommunications led to a switch to new suppliers.

The implementation of Phase 1 of a new integrated financial system

was also completed successfully.

Our member marketing team, in collaboration with the recruitment

agents, achieved and surpassed the budgeted member levy targets.

This, together with internal savings and reduced spending, meant that

a deficit budget could be changed into a year-end that ended with a

surplus. Good corporate governance and careful financial controls again

ensured that Grain SA received unqualified audits for the organisation’s

financial statements and those of the Jobs Fund project.

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