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Mei 2017


Tax changes from a

farming perspective


very businessman knows that tax planning plays an inte-

gral part in the successful management of the business,

whether it is a big corporation or a medium-sized family

farming operation.

During the Budget Speech that was delivered on 22 February this

year, numerous tax changes were introduced that led to a bit of

uncertainty as to whether or not these changes will have a drastic

impact on a business.

Income tax changes

The most prominent change was the introduction of a new tax

bracket, taxing all taxable income of a natural person or special

trust exceeding R1 500 000 at 45%. This will have a substantial im-

pact on producers trading as sole traders, considering that all tax-

able income exceeding this amount will lead to an additional 4% tax

that will have to be paid in comparison to previous years where the

maximum marginal tax rate was 41% or lower.

Another drastic tax change was the increase in the taxation of trusts.

Trusts were previously quite heavily taxed at 40%, but this has now

been increased to an even heavier tax rate of 45%. This has a lot of

producers (using a trust as their business mechanism) worried about

the sustainability of a farm being run in the form of a trust.

Although the tax rates of companies remained unchanged at 28%,

the dividends tax was also increased from 15% to 20%, implying

that investors will now have to pay an additional 5% on their returns.

Capital gains tax

Capital gains tax effectively forms part of a person’s income tax li-

ability, but the changes in the income tax rate will now also influ-

ence the effective tax rate of capital gains in South Africa. From the

2017 year of assessment, 40% of a natural person’s capital gains is

included as taxable income, meaning that the highest effective tax

rate for a natural person was 16,4% (40% inclusion rate x 41% high-

est marginal tax rate).

With the increase of the income tax rate to 45%, the highest effective

tax rate payable on capital gains has now increased to 18% (40%

inclusion rate x 45% highest marginal tax rate). For companies, 80%

of capital gains have to be included as taxable income and with no

change in the tax rate of companies, the effective tax rate on capital

gains for companies remains at 22,4% (80% inclusion rate x 28%

income tax rate).


An increase in the VAT rate of South Africa was expected, but to no

avail. No drastic changes were announced with regards to VAT, but

there has been speculation over the past few years that some agri-

cultural items will be removed from the zero-rated items list, which

could also lead to a drastic change in the cash flow of a farm produc-

ing zero-rated items (such as maize or fresh fruit and vegetables).

This means that in future there might be an output tax of 14% pay-

able on the sale of the zero-rated items. What is also worth noting

is that a lot of registered VAT vendors have difficulty claiming their

refunds, especially with regards to the diesel rebates.

The diesel rebate is completed together with all other VAT-related

supplies on the same VAT return. If the VAT return is filed, it clearly

indicates the amount of VAT owing as well as the diesel rebate re-

fundable to the producer. Most producers then just pay the differ-

ence, which is the logical thing to do, but as seen over the last few

years, the full amount of VAT owing (before taking the rebate into

account) should be paid to SARS after which the diesel rebate will

be refunded.

The diesel rebates have also become increasingly difficult to claim,

with SARS now auditing numerous returns filed for diesel rebates.

Accurate records must be kept clearly showing the litres of diesel

consumed by each vehicle or tractor as well as when it was used and

the location where it was used. This measure is to ensure that no

phantom diesel rebates are claimed.

A producer under the compulsory threshold of R1 million has to

consider whether the benefit from being a VAT vendor exceeds

the administration and compliance costs that are associated with

VAT. Any person making more than R50 000 taxable supplies in a

twelve-month period can register voluntarily for VAT, but again with

the possibility of some agricultural products not being zero-rated

anymore the benefit of registering has to be considered carefully.

Tax-free investments

A person can invest up to R500 000 per lifetime in a tax-free invest-

ment. All income generated by this investment will then be tax-free,

irrespective of whether the income generated is in the form of inter-

est, dividends or capital gains.

This R500 000 limit is a per person limit and all tax-free investments

will be added together to determine if the threshold is exceeded.

A person will also be limited to invest no more than R33 000 per

year (previously R30 000). If the annual or lifetime limit is exceeded,

40% tax is payable to SARS on the amount whereby the contribution

exceeds the respective limits.

Trusts or companies?

Trusts are one of the most popular entities used in estate planning

in order to limit the amount of estate duty payable upon death, but

with the introduction of the new anti-avoidance measures (sec-

tion 7C of the Income Tax Act), one has to wonder whether SARS’s

focus on trusts will decrease or if it is something to expect for a lot

of years coming.

Although many jump to the conclusion that the better option to con-

sider is a company (only taxed at 28%), the tax rate alone cannot

be the only consideration when choosing the best entity to use for

either business purposes or estate planning.

The Companies Act can lead to very time-consuming aspects for a

business, not to mention the strict responsibilities placed upon its

shareholders. The dividends tax of 20% must also be considered,

especially if there will be a limited number of shareholders.


With the ever-changing tax legislation, it is important to stay on top

of all changes happening and plan your business’s tax accordingly

so as to ensure the sustainability thereof in the long term.


Money matters and financial services



Faculty: Economic and Management Sciences, University of the Free State