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Review and strategic objectives/Terugblik en strategiese oogmerke

December 2015


A new agricultural climate is in force

A cross section of the course of the South African grain industry since 1970 will show that the annual rings of the industry were formed by specific events that time after time heralded a new period. Unlike in the past, the industry entered a new phase of development in the past year, yet the transition point was not absolute and defined, but vague.

The transformation from a deregulated marketing environment in 1997, the unification of the grain industry in 1999, and the moving of the Grain SA head office to Pretoria in 2011 were all clear watershed moments. However, viewed as a whole, a list of circumstances marks the transition to a new agricultural era and results in the realisation that the climate has changed – physically and mentally. To agriculture in South Africa it is therefore no longer business as usual.

The sensible temperature of this new wave can be identified from the following aspects:

  • The drought, subsequent pressure on access to production financing, and the physical climate change.
  • Increased government interference through new legislation, land reform and proposed amendments to the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act.
  • Slowdown in the economy and weakening of the value of the rand.
  • Continued financing of Grain SA by the grain trusts is uncertain.
  • The revival of the wheat industry is hampered by squabbling among the role-players in the industry.
  • Relations with agricultural businesses are changing.
  • Positive winds of change and innovation at Agri SA.

Grain SA would like to help map out the road ahead with Congress 2016, because we believe there is hope for the future. However, we will have to gear ourselves for this. New realities demand new approaches, new partnerships and new solutions. On the one hand there are threats and uncertainties, but there is hope in new research and plans to convert the negative realities into positive solutions.

Farm level

Producers will have to re-evaluate their farm planning, because even at farm level it is no longer business as usual. In the past, producers had to make great leaps to align their farming operations with changes. The new climate demands smaller steps, but with greater intensity.

A recent survey by Dr Hendrik Smith of Grain SA, in collaboration with a Canadian researcher, showed that almost 40% of our commercial producers are already actively implementing conservation agriculture in one or other form. The figure is a testimonial to the adaptability of our producers. Data science offers the challenge of converting available agricultural data to usable information that can be employed at farm level. Like with the introduction of crop rotation practices, free grain market principles and conservation agriculture, Grain SA is still studying this science so that we can provide our members with expert advice.



'n Nuwe landbouklimaat het aangebreek

'n Dwarssnit van die Suid-Afrikaanse graanbedryf se verloop sedert 1970 sal aantoon dat die bedryf se jaarringe gevorm is deur spesifieke gebeurtenisse wat telkens 'n nuwe tydvak ingelui het. Anders as in die verlede het die bedryf in die afgelope jaar 'n nuwe ontwikkelingsfase betree, waarvan die oorgangspunt nie absoluut en gedefinieerd was nie, maar vaag.

Die destydse transformasie na 'n gedereguleerde bemarkingsomgewing in 1997, eenwording van die graanbedryf in 1999 of die hoofkantoorskuif van Graan SA na Pretoria in 2011 was elkeen 'n duidelike waterskeidingsmoment. Gesamentlik beskou, stip 'n lys van omstandighede egter die oorgangspunt na 'n nuwe landbou-era uit en dit bring die besef dat die klimaat fisies en psigies verander het. Vir landbou in Suid-Afrika is dit dus nie meer besigheid soos altyd nie.

Die aanvoelbaarheidstemperatuur van dié nuwe golf is in die volgende aspekte sigbaar:

  • Die droogte, gevolglike druk op toegang tot produksiefinansiering asook die fisiese klimaatsverandering.
  • Verhoogde staatsinmenging met behulp van nuwe wetgewing, grondhervorming en voorgestelde veranderinge aan die Landboubemarkingswet.
  • Verlangsaming in die ekonomie en verswakking van die randwaarde.
  • Voortgesette finansiering van Graan SA deur die graantrusts is onseker.
  • Die koringbedryf se herlewing word geknel deur toutrekkery van rolspelers in die bedryf.
  • Betrekkinge met landboubesighede is aan die verander.
  • Positiewe winde van verandering en vernuwing in Agri SA.

Met Kongres 2016 wil Graan SA die pad vorentoe help karteer, want ons glo daar is hoop vir die toekoms, hoewel ons onsself hiervoor sal moet rat. Nuwe realiteite vereis nuwe benaderings, nuwe vennootskappe en nuwe oplossings. Aan die een kant is daar bedreigings en onsekerhede, maar daar is tog ook hoop geleë in nuwe navorsing en planne om die negatiewe realiteite in positiewe oplossings te omskep.


Produsente sal hul boerderybeplanning moet herevalueer, want selfs op plaasvlak is dit nie meer besigheid soos altyd nie. Waar produsente in die verlede groot spronge moes maak om hul boerderyondernemings met veranderings te belyn, vereis die nuwe klimaat kleiner treë, maar met groter intensiteit.

'n Onlangse opname deur Dr Hendrik Smith van Graan SA in samewerking met 'n Kanadese navorser het getoon dat bykans 40% van ons kommersiële produsente reeds bewaringslandbou in een of ander vorm aktief toepas. Die syfer is 'n getuigskrif vir die aanpasbaarheid van ons produsente. Datawetenskap (data science) bied die uitdaging om beskikbare landboudata om te skakel in bruikbare inligting wat op plaasvlak aangewend kan word. Soos met die bekendstelling van wisselboupraktyke, vrye graanmarkbeginsels en bewaringslandbou, is Graan SA reeds besig om hierdie wetenskap te bekyk sodat ons ons lede met kundigheid kan adviseer.


Grain industry

The drought is expected to lead to a reprioritisation of the state’s investment in infrastructure in order to address the infrastructure crisis. Harbour facilities will have to be adapted or improved to support increased grain imports and exports.

In the year ahead the impact of the 2016 drought will possibly lead to production loans not being readily available, as a number of producers’ liquidity will be under pressure.

Organised agriculture

Climate change means that organised agriculture will view its partners in a different context in future. Input providers who acted as sponsor for agriculture in the previous era will undoubtedly move closer to an organisation like Grain SA to become involved at industry level through funding.

Free market

Given the physical and mental factors mentioned, the free market is definitely under pressure, while a series of proposed government interventions reduce the space within which producers can operate. Here I note a dualism of the physical climate change enlarging the playing field for producers, while several proposed interventions threaten to curb the free market. It seems that the political motive is to use agriculture as a vehicle rather than the free market which employs agriculture as food producer and job creator.

A new era of land reform is therefore on the agenda. The threatening clouds of reform about which the state is regularly making noises – including land ceilings, the 50/50 concept of ownership and the proposed Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act – are aimed at controlling production at farm level.

Proposed legislation often lets a glimmer of the government's intention of gaining a controlling grip on the free market shine through. If this were to be implemented, it would mean that producers would have to register the type of crop and quantities planted with the Department of Agriculture, and would have to obtain permission from the minister if they want to produce something else there. Climate or market-driven adjustments in a crop rotation programme will therefore be allowed only if the minister approves them.

All things considered, this will mean a farming environment in which the state has the final say about how you as producer must farm, who your partner must be and how much land you may own. Indications are that the state is no longer at ease with the free market. Politicians are drawing ever closer to the fire and this means that the space in which we operate will become smaller.

Political appointments by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on the boards of the grain trusts will eventually lead to the re-evaluation of the funding priorities of the trusts.

Politicians versus bureaucracy

Although Grain SA’s relationship with politicians has not grown much recently, cooperation with the officials has improved and increased because Grain SA can deliver. Despite the political winds and undercurrents, enough affordable food is still a sought-after commodity. Food security remains central – and has become even more important because of the drought and climate change.

Agri SA’s new vision, Unity about agriculture, is an excellent approach, because all South Africans must have the same emotions about agriculture. The government cannot but take cognisance of society’s emotions about the drought. Food activists create a greater awareness among consumers about the origin and safety of food and this promotes empathy for agriculture’s cause.

The Department of Science and Technology has started supporting Grain SA as research funding partner for soybean and wheat research. Good relations with government officials produce such cooperation.

Food prices

Current climatic conditions have promoted increases in food prices. Because of the drought the price of maize has already doubled and consequently the price of maize meal experienced a sharp increase. The so-called maize porridge economy causes consumers to develop a quicker and bigger resistance to price increases. Will a change in consumption patterns develop – and how will consumers react to price increases?

Market positioning

South Africa’s positioning in the international grain market will have to be determined in the new era. The question remains whether grain imports are only a temporary phenomenon, or whether the country is set on becoming a net importer of food, and whether we are geared for importing on an ongoing basis. Grain SA is of the opinion that South Africa must retain its status as net exporter. In fact, it should be expanded to export processed food – unlike mining, which largely exports raw materials.

Given the effect of the new climate indicated above, Grain SA plans on reacting to the climate changes as follows:

  1. Confirm afresh what Grain SA stands for, what producers’ needs are and how we can take the lead in promoting sustainability and setting the pace with the small steps of change.
  2. Producers will have less freedom because of intervention by the state. Grain SA will support producers in best positioning themselves in the new climate.
  3. Private ownership is equal to food security. The organisation will protect and promote private ownership, because without land, producers cannot obtain production loans.
  4. Research should focus more strongly on climate change.
  5. Data science should be defined and implemented in the new climate.
  6. Grain SA’s farmer development programme will take on a different dimension in which production financing is essential for new producers.
  7. The organisation itself also has a responsibility to remain in step in all respects with the climate, which will change continuously.


As far as national policy is concerned, the year under review was a relatively quiet one – contrary to all expectations. Although we entered the year with the expectation that it would be a watershed year for land reform, limited progress was made in this regard. Grain SA participated actively in working groups, but no outcomes were achieved. We did play a role in maintaining the process.

Severe pressure was experienced as a result of political statements on land ceilings, the 50/50 land reform basis and the proposed Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act. However, the constitutionality and sustainability of the state’s land reform initiatives still have to be tested.

With the aid of the National Treasury’s newly created fund for promoting job creation, the Jobs Fund, the farmer development programme managed to launch a programme in terms of which 1 577 smallholder farmers gained access to inputs and mechanisation to cultivate 1 802 hectares. The challenge remains to support some 1 100 middle-class producers through training and mentorship to each eventually produce at least 250 tons per year.

In the meantime, new partnerships have been concluded with the government with respect to research and farmer development. The database and projects of the Farmer Development division were incorporated with the policy action plan for agriculture of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.


The effective management of funds, personnel costs and other cost savings ensured that Grain SA ended the financial year to 30 September 2015 with a profit. A once-off income with the sale of the building in Bothaville was realised in the financial year. Because of tight conditions in money markets, growth on investments was not maintained at the same rate as in previous years, although moderate growth was achieved.

The organisation once again received an unqualified audit.


As far as restructuring is concerned, I would like to refer to innovation and adjustments not only within Grain SA, but also in the wider industry. Grain SA is particularly positive about Agri SA’s executive management team. One experiences a spirit of cooperation, leadership and innovation that is currently giving impetus to organised agriculture’s presence in the country and economy.

Grain SA’s role in industry structures like the grain trusts and GFADA must be redefined to effectively fit into a new agricultural climate and still contribute to the development of the grain and oilseeds industry.

With finances under pressure in a dry agricultural year, Grain SA’s budget allocations were revisited and adjusted where necessary. Attention will also be given to the reprioritisation of staff capacity for the future. In line with the strategic objectives the Industry Services division was replaced by two needs-specific divisions, namely Research and Liaison with Authorities (led by Dr Marinda Visser), and Grain Economy and Marketing, with Dr Dirk Strydom from the University of the Free State at the helm from 1 April 2016.

A data science position was established in the Grain Economy and Marketing division and was filled by Landi Kruger, who worked in the Farmer Development division. Christa Herbst was promoted to financial manager, and is now a member of the management team.

After the sale of the old head office building in Bothaville the Grain SA office and staff were relocated to NAMPO Park.

The format of Congress was adjusted to obtain more participating discussions from the delegates in order to find solutions together. A discussion forum style, promoted by dynamic communication opportunities, will be used to hear more opinions at grassroots level.

Research, productivity and information

Grain SA’s core aim is to increase producers’ productivity and provide objective, real-time information. The decision to take greater responsibility for the direction research is taking and for how research funds are employed links up with this and ensures the relevance of this at farm level.

As research expert Dr Marinda Visser is guiding industry research into a new direction, and is even co-ordinating it at regional level by representing South Africa on the SADC research priority committee. The key points of Grain SA’s research and development programme are:

  • Development of joint research programmes as identified.
  • Development of consortiums at various institutions that meet and work together virtually.
  • Liaison with various technology-driven initiatives with appropriate technology transfer.

Grain SA’s attempt, in consultation with role-players in the industry, to introduce a wheat turnaround strategy took up considerable time in the year under review. The focus here fell on additional yield to compensate for reduced production, adjustment of the grading rules and the relaxing of exemption norms.

The steady rate at which the soybean industry is growing has led to the development of a gap in expertise capacity. Bursaries were therefore established to address this, and Grain SA is currently attempting to obtain new funding for research. Opportunities for obtaining international funds for this and other research are envisaged.

A crop insurance scheme has still not been introduced, and the quotas of insurance companies per region are restrictive. The state will have to intervene, particularly after the drought, to help assure the affordability of this for producers. Grain SA is putting a lot of effort into this.

A strong focus is placed on establishing end-point royalties for open-pollinated cultivars like soybeans, wheat and canola with a view to increasing crop yield and producing surpluses. Grain SA is almost ready with the first submission of the system.

Profitability and sustainability versus the social upliftment of farmworkers remain important. In the past year Grain SA developed a funeral policy scheme for farmworkers in collaboration with Momentum. It is still in its infancy, but shows potential.

The Executive and staff attended several training sessions during the year to improve their skills. The training led to improved self-knowledge and furthermore enhanced their communication skills.

Efforts to promote the cause of grain producers in the English media are bearing fruit according to media monitoring, and a considerable number of additional consumers are reached in this way. Grain SA also has great appreciation for the ongoing support of the agricultural media. In addition to the publication of our own monthly magazines and the popularity of the website, the social-media campaigns have been successful. It is satisfying to observe that the agricultural family is actively utilising social media.

Grain SA has a strong brand and the activities for promoting it have been successful. I trust that the organisation will survive the current drought and will receive sustained support from producers.

Image of agriculture

The sector has not yet succeeded in creating a unified voice for agriculture. Because Grain SA is in favour of one mouthpiece for organised agriculture, secretariat support was offered to ASUF as organisation for agricultural unity in the past year.


The organisational culture is such that we are gearing ourselves to remain of value to producers in the new climate. The establishment of the Grain Economy and Marketing division is a positive challenge. Partnerships will be entered into with service providers in the industry to assist us with specific expertise and capacity.

Members of Grain SA are reassured that the organisation is financially sound. The leadership participates actively and producers can be proud of sound corporate governance and measures that are applied. If a smaller grain harvest and consequently lower voluntary levies realise this year, this income stream could be at risk.

The organisation should not hesitate to adjust the direction of our strategic objectives should the changing climate require this. For example, should a season of court cases commence in which fundamental principles are tested, legal-technical knowledge and capacity will be established in-house if required.

Grain SA is excited about Agri SA’s management capacity with respect to social responsibility. We intend supporting this and becoming involved in the coming year.


The chairperson, Louw Steytler, has announced that after a career of 25 years in organised agriculture he is retiring during Congress. Through his example Louw has established a culture of professionality and a positive attitude in the organisation. With a move back to producers at grassroots level as his passion, he gave new value to regional meetings and one-on-one communication with producers, and did not avoid confrontation with the government either. His steadfast belief in the integrity of the Constitution will always resound in the country’s agricultural meeting halls.

During the year under review Johan Loxton retired after a long career with Grain SA. His expertise with respect to the NAMPO Harvest Day will be retained, as he has been appointed on a contract basis.

I am privileged to lead the Grain SA staff team. In organised agriculture – and definitely in the case of Grain SA – it has undeniably not been business as usual for quite some time. In spite of the stiff pace and challenging requirements constantly set by our divergent stakeholders, the team delivers time and again. Our culture is at an excellent level and the team and I are poised to have the organisation assert itself in all its facets in the new agricultural climate.

When I got into my car early in January to drive through the drought-stricken cultivation areas in the north and experience first-hand what the intensity of the conditions was, the dependence of the producers on our Creator impressed me once again. He definitely gives good years as well as bad. Let us keep on trusting Him and relying on His promises.

Grain greetings


Chief Executive Officer



Die droogte sal na verwagting 'n herprioritisering van die staat se investering in infrastruktuur teweegbring ten einde die infrastruktuurkrisis aan te spreek. Hawefasiliteite sal aangepas of verbeter moet word om verhoogde graaninvoere en -uitvoere te ondersteun.

In die komende jaar sal die impak van die 2016-droogte moontlik daartoe lei dat produksielenings nie algemeen beskikbaar gaan wees nie aangesien heelwat produsente se likiditeit onder druk gaan wees.

Georganiseerde landbou

Klimaatsverandering bring mee dat georganiseerde landbou sy vennote voortaan in 'n ander verband gaan beskou. Insetverskaffers wat in die vorige era as 'n borg vir landbou opgetree het, gaan ongetwyfeld nader aan 'n organisasie soos Graan SA beweeg om op bedryfsvlak deur middel van befondsing betrokke te raak.


Gegewe die genoemde fisiese en psigiese faktore, is die vryemark beslis onder druk terwyl 'n reeks beoogde regeringsintervensies die ruimte verklein waarbinne produsente kan opereer. Ek merk hier 'n dualisme van fisiese klimaatsverandering wat die speelveld vir produsente groter maak terwyl verskeie beoogde intervensies dreig om die vryemark aan bande te lê. Dit wil voorkom asof die politieke motief is om landbou as ‘n voertuig te gebruik eerder as die vryemark wat die landbou as voedselprodusent en werkverskaffer gebruik.

'n Nuwe era van grondhervorming is dus op die sakelys. Die dreigende beheerwolke waaroor die staat gereeld geluide maak – waaronder grondplafonne, die 50/50-eienaarskapkonsep en die voorgestelde Wet op Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur – is daarop gemik om produksie op plaasvlak te beheer.

Die regering se intensie om 'n beheergreep op die vryemark te kry, skemer dikwels deur in voorgestelde wetgewing. Sou dit deurgevoer word, beteken dit produsente moet by die landboudepartement registreer watter gewasse en hoeveel geplant word en by die minister toestemming kry as jy iets anders daar wil produseer. Klimaats- of markgedrewe aanpassings in 'n wisselbouprogram sal dus gedoen kan word, mits die minister dit goedkeur.

Op die keper beskou, voorspel dit 'n boerdery-omgewing waarbinne die staat die laaste sê het oor hoe jy as produsent moet boer, wie jou vennoot moet wees én hoeveel grond jy mag besit. Aanduidings is: die staat is nie meer gemaklik met die vryemark nie. Politici kom al nader aan die vuur en dit voorspel dat die ruimte waarbinne ons beweeg, kleiner gaan raak.

Politieke aanstellings deur die Minister van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye op die direksies van die graantrusts sal uiteindelik lei tot herevaluering van die trusts se befondsingsprioriteite.

Politici versus burokrasie

Hoewel Graan SA se verhouding met politici oor die afgelope tyd nie veel verbeter het nie, het samewerking met die amptenary verbeter en toegeneem omdat Graan SA kan aflewer. Ongeag die politieke winde en onderstrominge is genoeg, bekostigbare voedsel steeds 'n gesogte kommoditeit. Voedselsekerheid bly sentraal – en het selfs meer belangrik geraak weens die droogte en klimaatsverandering.

Agri SA se nuwe visie, “Unity about agriculture”, is 'n uitstekende invalshoek, want ons almal in Suid-Afrika moet dieselfde emosie oor landbou hê. Die regering kan nie anders as om kennis te neem van die samelewing se emosie oor die droogte nie. Voedselaktiviste skep by verbruikers 'n groter bewustheid oor die oorsprong en veiligheid van voedsel en dit bevorder empatie vir landbou se saak.

Die Departement van Wetenskap en Tegnologie het begin om Graan SA as navorsingsbefondsingsvennoot te ondersteun vir sojaboon- en koringnavorsing. Goeie verhoudinge met regeringsamptenary lewer hierdie tipe samewerking op.


Huidige klimaatstoestande het voedselprysstygings in die hand gewerk. Weens die droogte het die prys van mielies al verdubbel en gevolglik het mieliemeelpryse ook aansienlik gestyg. Die sogenaamde mieliepap-ekonomie veroorsaak dat verbruikers 'n vinniger en groter weerstand teen prysstygings ontwikkel. Gaan daar 'n verandering in verbruikspatrone ontstaan – en hoe gaan verbruikers op prysstygings reageer?


In die nuwe era sal Suid-Afrika se posisionering in die internasionale graanmark bepaal moet word. Die vraag is of graaninvoere net 'n tydelike verskynsel is; of is die land op pad daarheen is om 'n netto invoerder van voedsel te raak en is ons gerat is om deurlopend in te voer? Graan SA is van mening dat Suid-Afrika sy status as netto uitvoerder moet behou. Dit moet inderwaarheid uitgebrei word tot die uitvoer van verwerkte voedsel – anders as die mynbou wat grotendeels grondstowwe uitvoer.

Gegewe die uitwerking van die nuwe klimaat wat hierbo gelys is, beplan Graan SA om soos volg op die klimaatsverandering te reageer:

  1. Bevestig opnuut waarvoor Graan SA staan, wat produsente se behoeftes is en hoe ons rigtinggewend kan wees om volboubaarheid in die hand te werk en om die pas aan te gee met die klein treë van verandering.
  2. Produsente gaan minder vryheid hê weens die intervensie van die staat. Graan SA sal produsente ondersteun om hulself ten beste in die nuwe klimaat te posisioneer.
  3. Privaat eiendomsreg is gelyk aan voedselsekerheid. Die organisasie sal privaat eiendomsreg beskerm en bevorder, want sonder grond kan produsente nie lenings bekom om te kan produseer nie.
  4. Navorsing moet sterker op klimaatsverandering toegespits wees.
  5. Datawetenskap moet gedefinieer en geïmplementeer word in die nuwe klimaat.
  6. Graan SA se Landbouontwikkelingprogram gaan 'n ander dimensie aanneem waarbinne toegang tot produksiefinansiering vir nuwe produsente uiters noodsaaklik is.
  7. Die organisasie het self ook 'n verantwoordelikheid om in elke opsig in pas te bly met die klimaat wat voortdurend gaan verander.


Wat nasionale beleid betref, was die jaar onder oorsig teen alle verwagtinge in 'n relatiewe stil jaar. Hoewel ons die jaar ingegaan het met die verwagting dat dit 'n waterskeidingsjaar vir grondhervorming sou wees, is beperkte vordering hiermee gemaak. Graan SA het aktief deelgeneem aan werksgroepe, maar geen uitkomste is bereik nie. Ons het wel 'n rol gespeel om die proses in stand te hou.

Erge druk is ervaar met politieke uitsprake oor grondplafonne, die 50/50-grondhervormingsbasis en die voorgestelde Wet op Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur. Die grondwetlikheid en volhoubaarheid van die staat se grondhervormingsinisiatiewe sal egter nog getoets moet word.

Die Landbouontwikkelingsprogram kon met behulp van die Nasionale Tesourie se nuutgeskepte fonds vir die bevordering van werkskepping, oftewel die Jobs Fund, 'n projek van stapel stuur waarvolgens 1 577 kleinskaalse boere toegang tot insette en meganisasie verkry het om 1 802 ha te bewerk. Die uitdaging is steeds om die sowat 1 100 middelklas produsente deur opleiding en mentorskap te ondersteun om eindelik minstens 250 ton per jaar elk te produseer.

Intussen is nuwe vennootskappe met die regering oor navorsing en landbouontwikkeling gesluit. Die Landbouontwikkelingafdeling se databasis en projekte is geïnkorporeer by die Departement van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye se beleidsaksieplan vir landbou.


Die doeltreffende bestuur van fondse, personeelkoste en ander kostebesparings het gesorg dat Graan SA die finansiële jaar tot 30 September 2015 teen 'n wins afgesluit het. 'n Eenmalige inkomste met die verkoop van die gebou op Bothaville het in die boekjaar gerealiseer. Weens stram toestande in geldmarkte, het groei op beleggings nie dieselfde tempo as vorige jare gehandhaaf nie hoewel 'n matige groei steeds gerealiseer het.

Die organisasie het weer eens 'n ongekwalifiseerde oudit ontvang.


Wat herstrukturering betref, verwys ek na vernuwing en aanpassings nie net binne Graan SA nie, maar ook wyer in die bedryf. Graan SA is veral positief oor Agri SA se uitvoerende bestuurspan. 'n Mens ervaar ‘n gees van samewerking, leierskap en innovasie wat tans impetus aan georganiseerde landbou se teenwoordigheid in die land en ekonomie gee.

Graan SA se rol in industriestrukture soos die graantrusts en GFADA moet herdefinieer word om effektief in 'n nuwe landbouklimaat in te pas en steeds tot die ontwikkeling van die graan- en oliesadebedryf by te dra.

Met finansies wat onder druk is in 'n droë landboujaar is Graan SA se begrotingsallokasies herbesoek en aangepas waar nodig. Aandag is ook geskenk aan die herprioritisering van personeelkapasiteit vir die toekoms. In lyn met die strategiese oogmerke het die Bedryfsdienste-afdeling plek gemaak vir twee behoeftespesifieke afdelings, naamlik Navorsing en Skakeling met Owerhede (onder leiding van Dr Marinda Visser) en Graanekonomie en Bemarking, waarvan Dr Dirk Strydom van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat vanaf 1 April 2016 aan die hoof sal staan.

'n Datawetenskap-pos is in Graanekonomie- en Bemarkingsafdeling gevestig en is gevul deur Landi Kruger, wat aan die Landbouontwikkelingafdeling verbonde was. Christa Herbst is bevorder tot finansiële bestuurder en maak nou deel uit van die bestuurspan.

Na die verkoop van ou hoofkantoorgebou op Bothaville is die Graan SA-kantoor en personeel op NAMPO Park hervestig.

Die formaat van die Kongres is aangepas om meer deelnemende gesprek van die afgevaardigdes te verkry en sodoende saam na oplossings te soek. 'n Gesprekforumstyl, bevorder deur dinamiese kommunikasiegeleenthede, gaan ingespan word om meer opinies van grondvlak te hoor.

Navorsing, produktiwiteit en inligting

Graan SA se kerndoel is om produsente se produktiwiteit te verhoog en om objektiewe, intydse inligting te verskaf. Die besluit om meer verantwoordelikheid te neem vir die rigting waarin navorsing gaan en hoe navorsingsfondse aangewend word, sluit hierby aan en verseker die relevantheid daarvan op plaasvlak.

As navorsingskundige is Dr Marinda Visser besig om die bedryf se navorsing in 'n nuwe rigting te stuur en selfs op streeksvlak te koördineer deur Suid-Afrika te verteenwoordig op die SADC navorsingsprioriteitskomitee. Die sleutelpunte van Graan SA se navorsing- en ontwikkelingsprogram is:

  • Ontwikkeling van gesamentlike navorsingsprogramme soos geïdentifiseer.
  • Ontwikkeling van konsortiums en vennootskappe by verskeie instellings, wat virtueel ontmoet en saamwerk.
  • Skakeling van verskeie tegnologie-gedrewe inisiatiewe met toepaslike tegnologie-oordrag.

Graan SA se poging in oorleg met rolspelers in die bedryf om 'n koringomkeerstrategie te aktiveer, het in die jaar onder oorsig heelwat tyd in beslag geneem. Hier is klem geplaas op addisionele opbrengs as teenvoeter vir produksie-afnames, aanpassings aan graderingsreëls en die verslapping van vrystellingsnorme.

Die stewige pas waarteen die sojaboonbedryf groei, het 'n kundigheid-kapasiteitsgaping laat ontstaan. Beurse is gevolglik in plek gestel om dit aan te spreek en Graan SA poog tans om nuwe befondsing vir navorsing te bekom. Geleenthede vir die verkryging van internasionale fondse vir dié en ander navorsing is in die vooruitsig.

'n Oesversekeringskema is steeds nog nie in plek nie en die kwotas van versekeringsmaatskappye per streek is beperkend. Die staat sal veral na die droogte moet ingryp om die bekostigbaarheid daarvan vir produsente te help verseker. Graan SA werk hard aan hierdie saak.

Sterk fokus is daarop geplaas om eindpunt-tantieme te bewerkstellig vir oopbestuifde kultivars soos sojabone, koring en kanola met die oog daarop om oesopbrengs te verhoog en surplusse te produseer. Graan SA is bykans gereed vir die eerste indiening van die stelsel.

Winsgewendheid en volhoubaarheid versus die maatskaplike opheffing van plaaswerkers bly belangrik. Graan SA het in die afgelope jaar 'n begrafnispolisskema vir plaasarbeiders saam met Momentum ontwikkel. Dit is nog in die kinderskoene, maar toon potensiaal.

Die Hoofbestuur en personeel het gedurende die jaar verskeie opleidingsgeleenthede bygewoon om hul vaardighede te verbeter. Dit het tot gevolg dat selfkennis verbeter en bevorder ook kommunikasievaardighede.

Pogings om die saak van die graanprodusent in die Engelse media te stel, werp volgens mediamonitering vrugte af en heelwat meer verbruikers word sodoende bereik. Graan SA het ook groot waardering vir die landboumedia se deurlopende ondersteuning. Benewens die publikasie van ons eie maandelikse tydskrifte en gewildheid van die webtuiste, is die sosialemedia-veldtogte suksesvol. Dit is goed om waar te neem dat die landboufamilie besig is om sosialemedia aktief te benut.

Graan SA beskik oor 'n sterk handelsmerk en die aksies om dit uit te bou, is suksesvol. Ek is hoopvol dat die organisasie die huidige droogte kan oorleef en volgehoue ondersteuning van produsente sal kry.

Beeld van landbou

Die sektor kon nog nie daarin slaag om 'n eenheidstem vir landbou te skep nie. Omdat Graan SA ten gunste is van een mondstuk vir georganiseerde landbou, is sekretariaat-ondersteuning in die afgelope jaar aan ASUF as landbou-eenheidsorganisasie gebied.


Die organisasiekultuur is van so 'n aard dat ons besig is om ons te rat om in die nuwe klimaat steeds vir produsente van waarde te wees. Die vestiging van die Graanekonomie-afdeling is 'n positiewe uitdaging. Vennootskappe sal aangegaan word met diensverskaffers in die bedryf om ons met spesifieke kundigheid en kapasiteit te ondersteun.

'n Gerusstelling aan die lede van Graan SA is dat die organisasie finansieel gesond is. Die leierskap neem aktief deel en produsente kan trots wees op goeie korporatiewe beheer en maatreëls wat toegepas word. Indien 'n kleiner graanoes en gevolglike laer vrywillige heffings vanjaar realiseer, kan dit 'n risiko vir dié inkomstestroom inhou.

Die organisasie behoort nie te skroom om 'n koersaanpassing in ons strategiese doelwitte te maak indien die veranderende klimaat dit vereis nie. Sou 'n seisoen van hofsake waarin fundamentele beginsels getoets moet word byvoorbeeld aanbreek, sal regstegniese kennis en kapasiteit indien nodig, inhuis gevestig word.

Graan SA is opgewonde oor Agri SA se bestuurskapasiteit rakende sosiale verantwoordelikheid. Ons beoog om dit te ondersteun en in die komende jaar daarby in te skakel.


Die voorsitter, Louw Steytler, het aangekondig dat hy – na 'n loopbaan van 25 jaar in georganiseerde landbou – tydens Kongres uittree. Louw het deur sy voorbeeld 'n stuk professionaliteit en 'n positiewe ingesteldheid in die organisasie kom vestig. Met 'n passie daarvoor om terug te beweeg na produsente op grondvlak, het hy nuwe waarde geplaas op streeksvergaderings en een-op-een kommunikasie met produsente en selfs nie weggeskram van konfrontasie met die regering nie. Sy onwrikbare geloof in die integriteit van die Grondwet sal vir altyd in die landbouvergaderlokale van die land weerklink.

Gedurende die verslagjaar het Johan Loxton na 'n lang loopbaan by Graan SA afgetree. Sy kundigheid ten opsigte van die NAMPO Oesdag bly behoue deurdat hy intussen op 'n kontrakbasis aangestel is.

Ek is bevoorreg om die personeelspan van Graan SA te lei. In georganiseerde landbou – en beslis in Graan SA se geval – is dit al vir 'n geruime tyd allesbehalwe besigheid soos altyd. Ten spyte van die stewige pas en uitdagende vereistes wat konstant deur ons uiteenlopende belanghebbendes gestel word, presteer die span keer op keer. Ons kultuur is op 'n goeie peil en ek en die span is oorgehaal om die organisasie in al sy fasette in die nuwe landbouklimaat te laat geld.

Toe ek vroeg in Januarie self in die motor klim om deur die droogtegeteisterde verbouingsgebiede in die noorde te ry en eerstehands te beleef wat die intensiteit van toestande is, het landbouers se geboë afhanklikheid van ons Skepper vir my opnuut uitgestaan. Hy gee voorwaar die goeie jare en ook die swaar jare. Kom ons bly Hom vertrou en op Sy beloftes staan.



Uitvoerende Hoofbestuurder

Publication: December 2015

Section: General overview
