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USDA reduces estimate of planted corn acres to 90.7 million, down 1.5 million

15 Jun 2011
A June world agricultural outlook report from USDA estimates 1.5 million fewer acres of corn planted in the U.S. compared to the March USDA survey. The outlook report stated planted U.S. corn acres are now 90.7 million. Planting delays in the eastern Corn Belt and northern Plains were reasons cited for the lowered number of corn acres. However, analysts did increase the number of corn acres planted in the western Corn Belt and central Plains where growers were able to plant on time. The area harvested for grain is projected at 83.2 million acres, 1.9 million below the May USDA forecast. The large reduction reflects expectations that some planted acreage was lost to flooding in the lower Ohio, lower Mississippi, and Missouri River valleys.
