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Grain SA’s Farmer Development Working Group

The structure of Grain SA is such that every focus area is supported by a Work-

ing Group comprised of members of the Executive and management. In this way

the Executive manages to stay informed about developments on the ground. The

Chairperson of this Working Group is essentially the channel of communication

from the operational division to the decision making authority which is the Execu-

tive and vice versa. When Grain SA was founded in June 1999, Pretorius came

into the organisation with the experience he had gathered from the development

activities of NOPO and the same passion for the work that needed to be done.

He held this position until April 2006 when he retired and Jenny Mathews was

elected in his stead – a position she held until her retirement from the Executive of

Grain SA in March 2012.


Interview with Estie de Villiers for

SA Graan/Grain

magazine, August 2015

“The educator in me was very excited to learn about Grain SA’s dedicated

Farmer Development Programme, headed up by Ms Jane McPherson. I

immediately signed up to be a member of that Working Group. I had wanted

to find a way to make a small contribution towards the healing of this land and

I saw this as an opportunity.

This encounter changed my life.

I recently told Jane that she, together with

her incredible team of people, opened my eyes to something truly wonderful

happening at grassroots agriculture; and the farmers who I have met along

the way, have changed my heart.

“I have met so many beautiful people who

work hard, long hours with a smile on their faces. They see my heart and not

the colour of my skin. My motto has become: ‘It’s not the colour of our skin,

but the colour of our heart that matters.’”

According to Jenny many of the emerging farmers’ challenges are exactly the

same as for commercial producers, since agriculture in general is extremely

stressed and profitability is under heavy pressure. ’Producers are just strug-

gling to survive, especially after the terrible 2014/2015 season which saw

many crop failures. This is exacerbated for many emerging farmers because

they struggle to access finance for inputs and they often do not hold the title

to their farms so they can’t use the land as security.

’The truly dedicated farmers who I have met are hard workers who not only

need mentorship and education, but also recapitalisation funding to ensure

that their businesses get a fair chance of survival. Just to give any man or

woman a piece of land is not a recipe for successful land reform,‛ she said.

Ms Jenny Mathews

For everything under the sun there is a season and it was time to pass the baton of

leadership on. The committee elected Mr Victor Mongoato as the new Chairperson

and he is still the Chairperson of the Working Group. In support of transformation

within the organisation, the Executive co-opted him to the organisation’s Manage-

ment Committee in this capacity.

Establishment of a ‘Voice of the Farmer’ sub-committee

It was the feeling of the Working Group that there was not enough representation

from the developing farmers to ensure enough insight was available about circum-

stances in the different regions. The Executive had already given its approval that

the Working Group organise to co-opt more farmers, so a special meeting with

the advanced farmers was called during Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day in 2009.

They formed a sub-committee comprised of nine farmers who they mandated to

speak on their behalf as ’the voice of the farmer’. The first meeting with the elected

members was held on 8 September 2009.