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Commercial Services division/Afdeling Kommersiële Dienste

December 2015




A combination of the most recent farming technology, product variety, innovation, discussions, networking opportunities, agricultural hospitality and ideal weather conditions ensured that Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day upheld its reputation as South Africa’s agricultural showcase.

The 49th Harvest Day was attended by almost 70 000 visitors, and feedback from the more than 650 exhibitors pointed to good interest and enquiries from visitors.

There were various new additions this year that made a positive contribution to NAMPO Harvest Day. The seed plots were an exciting new addition. Seed companies this year planted demonstrations on a total area of 1 500 square metres, on the eastern side of the new grounds in order to display their cultivars in practical conditions.

Visitors could also stay overnight close to the grounds in a tent hotel comprising two-man tents, ablution facilities, a reception and relaxation area and its own parking.

A transport system that had been identified as a significant need for some time now was implemented on the grounds in the form of a tractor-and-trailer transport system. The grounds were divided into three zones, each serviced by two trailers, with designated, strategically positioned pick-up and drop-off points.

Visitors and exhibitors were able to purchase admission tickets online beforehand for the first time by means of an electronic admission ticket system. Teething problems were effectively addressed and plans are ready for expanding the online sales in the future.

A new downloadable NAMPO app was introduced to enable visitors to obtain product information electronically from participating exhibitors via their smartphones or tablets. The app will be developed further as a general Harvest Day information platform.

International participation by some 60 exhibitors from nine different countries confirms that Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day is positioned correctly to offer networking opportunities to overseas companies and those in southern Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. The Italian Trade Commission in South Africa exhibited for the first time this year, and no fewer than seven Italian companies were represented at their stand.
The Grain SA/Omnia Farmer Patent Competition remains a winner and has offered producers the opportunity to display their clever plans and inventiveness to visitors for more than a quarter of a century.

With the cancellation of the ladies’ programme due to declining attendance figures over the past few years, 13 additional exhibitors who concentrated specifically on the needs of ladies could be accommodated.

This year’s very successful Nation in Conversation was attended by, among others, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Senzeni Zokwana, who was also a panel member of the Nation in Conversation dialogue on labour relations.

The popular livestock exhibitions were expanded further with game-related exhibitors in the Caltex animal extension hall. The presentation of an auctioneers' competition in the Livestock Complex, in collaboration with Stockfarm and Toyota SA, was another extremely successful innovation.

The 15 manufacturers that participated in the 4x4 demonstrations once again confirm that this component belongs on the NAMPO Harvest Day programme.  As usual, the airfield was very busy again and the control tower had to assist 365 aeroplanes and helicopters over the four days.

Grain SA treated its members at the Grain SA members’ hall again, receiving them as guests to show its appreciation for their ongoing support. Free access and special parking form part of their benefits.

The provision of refreshments during the Harvest Day remains a major challenge. To overcome this, 18 refreshment points offering a large variety of meals and refreshments varying from breakfast, braaivleis, steak and side dishes to take-away meals, coldrinks, water, coffee, tea and ice cream, are awarded on a contract basis.

Visitors could again visit the Polkadot Tea Garden with its peaceful atmosphere, where tasty light meals, sweets, coffee, tea, cooldrinks and light drinks were served.  Meals also had to be provided daily to almost 300 temporary workers and volunteers, service staff and other staff. Exhibitors could also order sweet and savoury trays.


It would not be possible to present Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day without volunteers and the support services, as well as exhibitors who make vehicles, implements and equipment available for use during the Harvest Day. Grain SA and the NAMPO Harvest Day committee would like to thank these persons, institutions and exhibitors for their selfless service and contribution to the success of the NAMPO Harvest Day.


In addition to the normal maintenance to ensure that the existing facilities and infrastructure remain in a good condition, various projects were completed in the course of the year.

The ongoing expansion of the water and electricity network led to the completion of a further 18 serviced stands during the period. A paved road of almost 500 metres from Gate 2 to the existing grounds also added considerable value to the new extension.

The first phase of a system for controlling and monitoring the entire water system on the grounds was completed. The upgrading of the cattle complex was completed within the framework of five years and the first phase of replacing the two large thatched roofs with steel structures was also completed.

The conversion of the southern parking (which served as unloading and building area for exhibitors) to an exhibition area necessitated the development of a new unloading and building area to the east of the grounds.

Northmec erected a building on the old grounds, while Kempston Agri constructed one on the new grounds. The latter building and the establishment of grass on various stands, as well as the new adjacent paved road contributed greatly to the development and appearance of the new grounds.

NAMPO Park's sound infrastructure with various well-equipped buildings and its central location ensure that the facilities can be employed throughout the year for a great variety of events – conferences, meetings, training, product releases, matric farewells, congresses, performances and fundraising projects for schools and churches, family reunions, weddings and livestock auctions.

The 4x4 track is ideal for releasing and demonstrating four-wheel drive vehicles.

Catering services are available for any type of function, large or small, while affordable accommodation for up to 50 persons is also available on the grounds in en suite rooms. The livestock auction complex was even used as a wedding chapel during the period.


‘n Kombinasie van die nuutste landboutegnologie, produk-verskeidenheid, innovasie, gespreksvoering, netwerkgeleenthede, landbou-gasvryheid en ideale weersomstandighede het gesorg dat Graan SA se NAMPO Oesdag sy reputasie gestand gedoen het as Suid-Afrika se landbouvertoonvenster.

Die 49ste Oesdag is deur byna 70 000 besoekers bygewoon en terugvoer van die meer as 650 uitstallers dui op goeie belangstelling en navrae van besoekers.

Daar was vanjaar verskeie nuwe toevoegings wat ‘n positiewe bydrae tot NAMPO Oesdag gelewer het. Die saadplotte was ‘n opwindende nuwe toevoeging. Op 1 500 vierkante meter aan die oostekant van die nuwe terrein het saadmaatskappye demonstrasies aangeplant om hul kultivars onder praktiese toestande te vertoon.


Besoekers kon ook naby die terrein oornag by ‘n tentehotel, bestaande uit tweemantente, ablusiegeriewe, ‘n ontvangs- en kuierarea sowel as eie parkering. 

‘n Vervoerstelsel, waarvoor daar al geruime tyd ‘n groot behoefte was, is op die terrein in die vorm van ‘n trekker-en-waentjievervoerstelsel geïmplementeer. Die terrein is in drie sones opgedeel met vasgestelde, strategies-geposisioneerde op- en aflaaipunte. Elke roete is deur twee waentjies, wat elk tien persone kan vervoer, bedien.
Besoekers en uitstallers kon vanjaar vir die eerste keer toegangskaartjies vooraf aanlyn aankoop op ‘n elektroniese toegangskaartjiestelsel. Tandekryprobleme is effektief aangespreek en daar word beplan om die aanlynverkope in die toekoms uit te brei.

‘n Nuwe NAMPO-toep (app) wat afgelaai kan word, is bekendgestel, waardeur besoekers deur hul slimfoon of tablet, produkinligting van deelnemende uitstallers elektronies kon verkry. Die toep gaan verder ontwikkel word as algemene Oesdag-inligtingsplatform.

Internasionale deelname van ongeveer 60 uitstallers van nege verskillende lande bevestig dat die Oesdag korrek geposisioneer is om netwerkgeleenthede aan oorsese maatskappye in suidelike Afrika en Sub-Sahara Afrika te bied. Die Italiaanse Handelskommissie van Suid-Afrika het vir die eerste keer uitgestal met nie minder nie as sewe Italiaanse maatskappye verteenwoordig op hul standplaas.
Die Graan SA/Omnia Boerepatentekompetisie bly ‘n wenner waar produsente vir reeds meer as ‘n kwarteeu hul slim planne en vindingrykheid ten toon kan stel.

Met die afstel van die damesprogram weens dalende bywoningsgetalle die afgelope paar jaar, kon 13 addisionele uitstallers wat spesifiek op die behoeftes van die dames gerig is, geakkommodeer word. 

Vanjaar se baie suksesvolle Nasie In Gesprek was onder andere bygewoon deur die Minister van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye, Senzeni Zokwana, wat ook ‘n paneellid van die Nasie in Gesprek-dialoog oor arbeidsverhoudinge was. 

Die gewilde vee-uitstallings is verder uitgebrei met wildverwante uitstallers in die Caltex-diereverlengingsaal. Die aanbieding van ‘n afslaerskompetisie in die Veekompleks, in samewerking met Veeplaas en Toyota SA, is nog ‘n uiters suksesvolle nuutjie.

Die 15 fabrikate wat aan die 4x4-demonstrasies deelgeneem het, bevestig weer eens dat hierdie komponent op die NAMPO Oesdagprogram tuishoort. Die vliegveld was weer bedrywig en die beheertoring moes 365 vliegtuie en helikopters oor die vier dae assisteer.

Graan SA het weer sy lede by die Graan SA-ledelokaal getrakteer, waar hulle as gaste ontvang word as ‘n blyk van waardering vir hul volgehoue ondersteuning. Gratis toegang en spesiale parkering vorm deel van hul voordele.

Die voorsiening van verversings bly ‘n groot uitdaging. Om dit te oorkom word 18 verversingspunte, wat ‘n groot verskeidenheid etes en verversings bied, op kontrakbasis toegeken. Daar moes ook daagliks vir net minder as 300 tydelike en vrywillige werkers, dienspersoneel en personeel etes voorsien word. Uitstallers kon ook soet en sout skinkborde bestel.

Besoekers kon ook weer die Polkadot Teetuin met sy rustige atmosfeer, waar heerlike ligte etes, soet geregte, koffie, tee, koeldrank en ligte drankies bedien is, besoek.

Die aanbieding van Graan SA se NAMPO Oesdag sal nie moontlik wees sonder vrywilligers en die ondersteuningsdienste asook uitstallers wat voertuie, werktuie en toerusting beskikbaar stel vir gebruik tydens die Oesdag nie. Graan SA en die NAMPO Oesdagkomitee wil graag almal bedank vir hulle onbaatsugtige diens en bydrae tot die sukses van die NAMPO Oesdag.


Bo en behalwe die normale instandhouding is verskeie projekte gedurende die jaar afgehandel.

Die uitbreiding van die water- en elektrisiteitsnetwerk het in die periode 18 gedienste standplase beskikbaar gestel. ‘n Geplaveide pad van bykans 500 meter vanaf Hek 2 tot by die bestaande terrein, het ook baie waarde bygevoeg tot die nuwe uitbreiding.

Die eerste fase van ‘n stelsel om die hele waterstelsel op die terrein te beheer en te monitor, is afgehandel. Die opgradering van die beeskompleks is binne die raamwerk van vyf jaar voltooi en die eerste fase om die twee groot grasdakke met staalstrukture te vervang, is ook afgehandel. Die omskakeling van die suidelike parkering (wat ook as aflaai- en opbou-area vir uitstallers gedien het) na uitstalarea, het die ontwikkeling van ‘n nuwe aflaai- en opbou-area aan die oostekant  van die terrein genoodsaak.

Northmec het ‘n gebou op die ou terrein opgerig en Kempston Agri het een op die nuwe terrein opgerig het. Laasgenoemde gebou en die vestiging van gras op verskeie standplase, asook die nuwe aangrensende geplaveide pad, het ‘n groot bydrae tot die ontwikkeling en voorkoms van die nuwe terrein gelewer.

NAMPO Park se goeie infrastruktuur met verskeie goed-toegeruste geboue en sentrale ligging verseker dat die fasiliteite regdeur die jaar vir verskeie geleenthede – konferensies, vergaderings, opleiding, bekendstelling vir produkte, matriekafskeide, kongresse, opvoerings en fondsinsamelingsprojekte vir skole en kerke, familiereünies, troues en veeveilings – aangewend word.

Die 4x4-baan is ideaal vir die bekendstelling en demonstrasie van viertrekvoertuie.

Spysenieringsdienste is beskikbaar vir enige tipe funksie, terwyl bekostigbare verblyf vir tot 50 persone op die terrein in en suite-kamers beskikbaar is. Die veeveilingskompleks is selfs gedurende die periode as kapel vir ‘n troue gebruik. 


SA Graan/Grain

SA Graan/Grain is a contemporary agricultural magazine with a strong sentiment for agricultural producers. The publication intimately understands the producer’s world and business environment – sometimes as mentor, sometimes as soundboard, other times as colleague, comrade and inspirer.

It is recognised as a journal for the grain and oilseeds industry that communicates research results, technical knowledge and relevant grain information. Independent reader research has confirmed that readers regard SA Graan/Grain as an authoritative source providing comprehensive information on grain and oilseeds.  Producers can rely on the correctness of the technical and scientific content and get to know Grain SA as a trendsetting organisation, understanding its scope through the magazine.

The focus of the magazine is on being the most authoritative news and information platform for the grain and oilseeds industry. SA Graan/Grain's objective is to inform, accurately communicate relevant research and technical information, provide a cost-effective advertising alternative to input providers, and disseminate the most recent product information.

Advertising medium

The magazine is a cost-effective national advertising medium with efficient mail distribution, and is popular and credible among producers. SA Graan/Grain was recently accredited by the Audit Bureauof Circulations (ABC), which means that the magazine’s circulation figures are measured and audited independently. Our regular advertisers prefer SA Graan/Grain because of the positive association with Grain SA as industry organisation, but also because the magazine makes an impact. In addition to a printed monthly edition – which is also available in digital flipbook format on the website – relevant special sections in the magazine as well as the popular annual Grain Guide publication offer additional options to advertisers.

Editorial committee

The magazine appears under the auspices of the Grain SA Editorial Committee – a committee of Grain SA’s Executive that convenes on a monthly basis and assesses the magazine. The committee comprises producer members, representatives from the ARC-Grain Crops Institute, the ARC-Small Grain Institute and staff of Grain SA. The committee ensures that the content remains relevant to readers, advertisers and the grain industry as a whole.

SA Graan/Grain

SA Graan/Grain is ‘n landboutydskrif vir vandag met ‘n sterk sentiment vir landbouprodusente. Die publikasie beskik oor ‘n intieme verstáán van die produsent se leefwêreld en besigheidsomgewing – soms as mentor; soms as klankbord; ander kere as kollega, kameraad en inspireerder.

Dit word erken as vaktydskrif vir die graan- en oliesadebedryf waardeur navorsingsresultate, tegniese kennis en relevante graaninligting gekommunikeer word. Onafhanklike lesersnavorsing het bevestig dat lesers SA Graan/Grain beskou as ‘n gesaghebbende bron wat omvattende inligting oor graan en oliesade verskaf. Produsente kan peil trek op die korrektheid van die tegniese en wetenskaplike artikelinhoud én kan Graan SA as toonaangewende organisasie leer ken en sy omvang verstaan deur die tydskrif.

Die tydskrif se fokus is om dié gesaghebbende nuus- en inligtingsplatform vir die graan- en oliesadebedryf te wees. SA Graan/Grain se doelwit is om in te lig; relevante navorsings- en tegniese inligting akkuraat oor te dra; ‘n koste-effektiewe advertensie-alternatief vir insetverskaffers te wees en om die jongste produk-inligting te bied.


Die tydskrif is ‘n koste-effektiewe nasionale advertensiemedium met doeltreffende posverspreiding wat gewild en geloofwaardig by landbouers is. SA Graan/Grain is onlangs by die Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) geakkrediteer, wat beteken dat die tydskrif se sirkulasiesyfer onafhanklik gemeet en geoudit word. Ons gereelde adverteerders verkies SA Graan/Grain weens die positiewe assosiasie met Graan SA as bedryfsorganisasie, maar ook omdat die tydskrif trefkrag het. Benewens ‘n gedrukte maandelikse uitgawe – wat ook in digitale blaaiboekformaat op die webtuiste beskikbaar is – bied relevante fokusbylaes in die tydskrif en die gewilde jaarlikse Graangids-publikasie bykomende opsies aan adverteerders.

Redaksionele komitee

Die tydskrif staan onder beskerming van die Graan SA Redaksionele komitee – ‘n komitee van Graan SA se Hoofbestuur wat op ‘n maandelikse basis vergader en die tydskrif evalueer. Die komitee is saamgestel uit produsentelede, verteenwoordigers van die LNR-Instituut vir Graangewasse, die LNR-Kleingraaninstituut en personeel van Graan SA. Die komitee verseker dat die inhoud relevant bly vir lesers, adverteerders en die graanbedryf in geheel.


Publication: December 2015

Section: Commercial Services
